Rowse sell lots of different honey from around the world...they also sell English honey, and pay a good bulk price for it.
I wish they could have bought our honey directly from us, not from our mafia.
In spring completely changing everything since honey price is nearing toward imported chinese " honey". If I feel snap in my brain I will leave one colony per each apiary, since here the dumber - the better.. May sound you crazy but we are here motivated to produce less or none..
You have described our market. Though we don't import chinese honey the price here is $1.4/kg now. Many goods cost as ones in the Western Europe, something is even more expensive. I know a man who sells baby clothes from Britain. His business is thriving. He purchases it in London, transports through Europe and succesfully sell it here. I can't explain this miracle. Thire is a factory in my city which produces adult clothing and export it to the Western Europe.
Back to the honey. Today it costs nothing here as well as walnuts, milk etc. All those nice things are produced by small farms and villagers who are struggling to survive in this country. Then those things are either transformed into "goods" and arrive to supermarkets or exported. Mafia (officials, customs, companies tied with the government) - all those guys float in gold while the country gets nothing.
Back to the honey. The price is slo-o-o-owly going up. This year Ukraine lost a lot of apiaries (I described the issue). Total yeald is substantially smaller than usual. Beekeepers also don't want to sell honey by $1.4. They are waiting for the higher price knowing that even in Moldova and Belarus honey costs $2 and more. So the warehauses are half empty. Honey export has fallen to 40% and Ukraine has successfully lost its position of top 3 exporters because of someone's avarice.
Another issue is that big Russian market is closed by their mad emperor. Neither export nor smuggling are possible to Russia.
Back to the honey. This weekend an old lady came to buy some jars of honey. By the way she asked me why I'm not married. She said she knows some nice girls who would be glad etc... Well, I said that I'm not going to... until 100 hives at least. "How long does it take? Year or two?", she asked. "Twenty. I'm not hurry. I like the process."