What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Checked on my bait hive (a grotty old woodpeckered bb that caught a large prime this time last year)

It appears pied wagtails have got in first, dont know who was more suprised, me or her !

She'll be even more surprised if a large swarm chooses to move in as well!
First thing this morning I moved the two halves of my grumpy hive to a new location, after closing them up just as it got dark last night. Must remind myself that I don't want to move a full hive with two supers on by myself again! Hopefully they're far enough away from people in the new location so that they won't cause any issues before I requeen them. The half of the AS with the flying bees were really narked when I released them, and came out en masse to have a look / go at me. The other half were like kittens, but then they have much fewer flying bees at the moment due to the AS.

My wife reports that there are still some grumpy bees in the garden at home, so they're either stragglers that didn't make it home last night, or one of my other hives is also grumpy! Will check the nucs I put out in place of the moved hives once I get home later.
Split my overwintered double 5 frame nucs which were bursting. 5 frames and the queen goes into a poly for sale. The other 5 frames will be requeened.

splitting nucs into poly.jpg
opened up a few hives today. One of the swarms i picked up last year are realy nasty.

I thought it was just due to it been bad weather or other reasons for them. Going to have to find a new queen for that hive in the next 2 weeks as i can't be having bees like that or they drones in the area.
Quite recently finished 1st extraction, now have to plan 2nd ( black locust). It is weird situation, its flowers are like scorched - brown.. It really lasted stretched week, so not great extraction to be expected.. Anyway bees are now in prime strength and as black locust descending.. their desire for reproduction ascending.. Will have full hands of ( undesired) splits.. When I manage to loosen pressure of work around hazels and other plants I will dive into queen rearing..
First shook swarm into this year's improved artificial trees. Used the derekm board to ensure they stay put. You will be able to read more about it in beecraft soon.
Look forward to it!

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Carried out two artificial swarms, and re-queened two of my back garden hives that have become buzzy and following almost to the back door (the wife has been stung a few times recently, so I thought best re-queen them before they start on the neighbours ;) )

Oh, and I tried out my new vented bee jacket - fat boy no longer melts into his bee suit :D
Carried out two artificial swarms, and re-queened two of my back garden hives that have become buzzy and following almost to the back door (the wife has been stung a few times recently, so I thought best re-queen them before they start on the neighbours ;) )

Oh, and I tried out my new vented bee jacket - fat boy no longer melts into his bee suit :D
What do you wear on you legs
Collected a swarm which landed at the apiary (I thought I'd heard a noise when I was working in the shed earlier!) in the hedge right above a stand full of mating nucs, luckily there was room for one more!


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Collected a swarm which landed at the apiary (I thought I'd heard a noise when I was working in the shed earlier!) in the hedge right above a stand full of mating nucs, luckily there was room for one more!

That's a good size swarm. Last year nearly all my collected swarms were small casts.
Lets hope for some big ones this year!
Interesting as well was, recalling Seeley's observatios on increase in cluster temperature before deciding to move on again from a bivouac, my hand was in the middle of the cluster when I cut the branch and placed them in the hive - and it was positively hot, not just warm
Interesting as well was, recalling Seeley's observatios on increase in cluster temperature before deciding to move on again from a bivouac, my hand was in the middle of the cluster when I cut the branch and placed them in the hive - and it was positively hot, not just warm

You can also see the ripples made by the buzz runs of the scout bees on and just beneath the surface prior to taking off. Only seen it once and I figured I wasn't going to have time to return to truck and get box for them. I was right....only got 10 yards away when they took off. I think the local church tower acquired their own bees .
You can also see the ripples made by the buzz runs of the scout bees on and just beneath the surface prior to taking off. Only seen it once and I figured I wasn't going to have time to return to truck and get box for them. I was right....only got 10 yards away when they took off. I think the local church tower acquired their own bees .

One reason some beekeepers advise carrying a water spray bottle and giving them an immediate cooling shower whilst preparing to box them
Yesterday I peaked into few hives will there be something for extraction.. Surprise.. When, how, of what and still filling while the most of black locust flowers are brown or fallen.. Couple days ago there were just sprinkled combs with honey, yesterday full up to the top.. If all colonies are as such.. I for really have no enough barrels.. I am blessed with bees I have and must always be grateful to them. Contrary of that, selling of it will be.. seems will wait better years..
Interesting as well was, recalling Seeley's observatios on increase in cluster temperature before deciding to move on again from a bivouac, my hand was in the middle of the cluster when I cut the branch and placed them in the hive - and it was positively hot, not just warm

That used to be my swarm collecting party trick. It always impressed putting an ungloved hand into a swarm cluster :D
One reason some beekeepers advise carrying a water spray bottle and giving them an immediate cooling shower whilst preparing to box them

I always thought the water spray was supposed to reduce the number of flying bees. In the light of Seeley's temperature increase seems it may be right to us it but it may have been used for the "wrong" reasons in the past. Or maybe it does both.