What did you do in the Apiary today?

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vaped all mine yesterday,too cold for them to fly as it has been for the last 2 weeks so there were plenty of dead bees on the floors.All showing signs of life and still decent weight so very happy so far.


Nucs are eating their way through the 'sugar bricks' with no signs of them throwing out the sugar. Even more popular than fondant.
Checked on my nuc, about 30-40 dead bees outside, reduced entrance not blocked, watched a few bees coming & going some dead being removed. Checked the inspection tray (which I've left 3/4 inserted) still appeared to be plenty of brood cappings, a wax moth lava (dead), a few bits of dead bees but couldn't see any varroa. Cleaned it off and put it back in.
Good day for active OAV as temp was 12'C and bees flying.
Visited 4 out-apiaries and OAV 65 hives, checked weight on 15 colonies and checked fondant on 43 nucs- one nuc dead (1st one so far this year)- only a small collection of dead bees looks like they were too small to move to the stores/fondant during the recent cold spell.
All completed in 4 hours- it took me a couple of days last year when using the passive pan-type OAV.
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The 'sugar bricks' and fondant added to the nucs a few weeks ago are disappearing fast on some colonies. Will need to add some more in the new year. It's easy to top-up on top of the crown board just a few puffs of smoke to send them inside then slap on another slab.




Like a summers day with bees flying. I only check them once a month this time of year so it's nice to visit them on a fine day.


Like a summers day

Same here - cold and pissing down with rain

Yesterday afternoon went to give a bucket of Honey in the warming cabinet a final stir before bottling today to find temperature had dropped right down and one of the heaters stone cold quickly went on fleabay and ordered a new one so that at least it will arrive next week to be installed and warm the next batch of honey.
Went into the outhouse today to get something - cabinet going like a blast furnace again and heater now working!!
Seems to be a theme at Brynmair at the moment - three weeks ago it was a dishwasher that went through all the cycles but didn't heat the water - repair man picked it up and took it to the workshop, took off the side panels and started it up - hot as a hot thing, no sign of any fault. Now back and working like a bomb.
Never mind, the replacement has a higher wattage anyway so it will get the cabinet going with less effort - and I'll have a spare :D
Good to see "sods law" also works in Wales as well as the rest of the world.
Started soaking 400g of propolis in 1800g of alcohol and welded 140 frames of foundation...
It was a rare 19C day with patchy sunshine and mild breeze here today. I went through all colonies checking stores. I moved 3 frames of honey from hives with extra to 3 colonies that needed a bit. I also have 3 very strong colonies that will have to be split early next spring. I like the strong ones, but they cause problems with management because they hit peak population so early.
Traveling 200 km south from Paris, looking to see some hives near.. None, must be superbly hidden.. Vast arable land, too flat for me..
You really need the smoke to get them to move out of the plastic surrounding the sugar bricks

Fair point i was talking about keeping the bee's down in the hive why would you want to confuse them with smoke all the time ? Thinking about it when you removed those sugar bags wouldn't they be empty so no bee's inside.
Fair point i was talking about keeping the bee's down in the hive why would you want to confuse them with smoke all the time ? Thinking about it when you removed those sugar bags wouldn't they be empty so no bee's inside.

Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that. I need to change the bag before it's completely empty and the bees tend to occupy all the nooks and crannies. A quick puff of smoke is the quickest option. In previous years I've rarely need to add additional fondant so no need to disturb them. This year they are consuming more fondant / sugar than previous years.

Sometimes I can just slap some fondant ontop of the existing bag but it's best to clear any bees out first.
Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that. I need to change the bag before it's completely empty and the bees tend to occupy all the nooks and crannies. A quick puff of smoke is the quickest option. In previous years I've rarely need to add additional fondant so no need to disturb them. This year they are consuming more fondant / sugar than previous years.
View attachment 15058

Sometimes I can just slap some fondant ontop of the existing bag but it's best to clear any bees out first.
View attachment 15059
View attachment 15060

I used some soft candy in the late summer I found it easier to put it in plastic clear containers over the crown board . I changed the candy blocks early to late evening when they weren't flying made things a lot easier . no suite no smoker . ;)
My reversible crown boards have a 20mm shim on the deep side. Unfortunately a platic container wont fit in the space.
I used some soft candy in the late summer I found it easier to put it in plastic clear containers over the crown board . I changed the candy blocks early to late evening when they weren't flying made things a lot easier . no suite no smoker . ;)

And had they decided to react? Do you honestly think bees don't fly late evening?