Update on helping lady from last week.
see prior episode
After rain etc last week, this pm was dry, sunny and windless - a complete contrast.
Checked varroa counts on two treated hives - roughly an average of 30/day so OK. The untreated weak hive had dropped about 4-5 day- so will treat tomorrow.
It turns out the "National" hives she bought were Rose hives.. I thought the boxes looked slightly strange... As I had made up some insulated dummy boards to reduce the space of unoccupied frames, a quick alteration to heights of approx 4 cms was in order (Rose frames are same width as Nationals across top bar but less deep).
The first strong hive (3 boxes)- not fed before was fed 2.5K FondaBee pack with an eke. Quick and dirty bubble wrap added below roof as cold night forecast.
The second VERY weak hive had 5 frames of bees in one box.. 6(?) empty frames removed and dummied down . The rapid feeder has been emptied (2KG sugar) by the bees and was replaced by Fondabee as hive 1. The brood box used as an eke was replaced by a "proper" eke . Bubble wrap as hive 1
The third hive was with bees on three boxes (Rose hives are a one size box system) but bees were in a funnel on 5 frames in each box on East facing side. (Hives face South). So top two boxes removed with roof, empty frames removed from bottom box and insulated dummies in. Ditto box 2, ditto box 3. Feeder in Box 4 (no eke) was empty and replaced by FondaBee. Bubble wrap as Hive 1.
Some of the boxes (home made of 9mm ply) - did not fit well and were gaffer taped to cover gaps at joints
Bees foraging strongly on all three - ivy and HB pollen..
No inspections done and none planned - 12C max today- and risk of damaging queens too high/disruption etc.
After tonight's yoga made last eke and insulation boards to fit in roofs- tomorrows job..
Weather growing colder especially nights so syrup feeding risky hence switch to fondant. May need to feed weaker hives all winter..
New beekeeper lit smoker successfuly, helped lift boxes, tighten ratchet straps and remove combs and put in dummies - quick learner.. She'll be a good beekeeper.
Learned a lot about rose hives - mainly unprintable..