What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Weather cooler due to long expected arrival of rain.

Topped up feeders on nucs and added 2nd dose of thmyol Rx.

Removed unused supers from full sized hives ready for thymol - extracted an unexpected couple of partial frames.

Checked refractometer calibration - 71% brix with olive oil so spot on. That means my reading of 16% for my honey was right.
Well got a break in the rain and took off 14 supers all full and no empty frames. Just need to extract now.
Gave more fondant to the PU hive in a dummy frame (they ate over a kilo in less than a week)- they have only marginal nectar stores as the they expanding at a rate of knots, but a fair amount of pollen..

Did a quick check on the hybrid wood supers friday night. Bees nice and calm almost yawning.

Thougt best to do the brood box inpection next day WRONG!... Saturday afernoon they were having none of it! soon as the first super came off you should have heard the roar! Tried again today ... same result.

Lesson learned with a really full hive you have one and only one chance per week.
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Apiguard and eke off last hive. A quick inspection showed that the Q had really slowed down, minimal eggs, larve and brood. This hive had a very large and on going varroa drop so ended up with a third dose. Feeder and 2:1 added.

Remaining hives - feeders all filled up again. Mrs Starflex is begining to suspect I've been adding quite a lot of sugar to the weekly shop over the last few months!
Put clearer boards under the last of the supers after sorting through the frames to give partials to the bees. This time last year the Balsam was rolling in, looking around the place, it is all going over. There will be a few full frames to come but stores are looking good enough that they may not need a winter feed.
Had to give a wet super back to my 'sticky' colony just for some extra space. Getting the last super off this hive was a nightmare, hopefully the smell will encourage them to investigate.
At last managed to begin winter prep by putting treatment and feed on all the hives... Hope the weather stays warm enough for the next month for apiguard to have an effect.

Ben P
raining for first time in 7+ weeks.

dark bees still out on drinker. yellows not venturing out.

when walking the mutt this am noticed lots of bees on ivy - many not honey bees - very similar with pollen baskets BUT slightly smaller & very pale lemon yellow stripes.
Sugar hidden in boot of my car so she doesn't actually know how much sugar I use!

I did that last year until we went shopping and I opend the boot to put shopping in!

It's also amazing how many beehive bits and pieces you can get on ebay for under a fiver including postage! I'm still trying to work out what figure to pitch without raising her suspicions on the nice shiny honey extrator i saw for next to nothing in the next few months!!
Luckily I've got a very discreet and understanding mother who lives not far away (even the postman is now in on the scam and drops off any expensive parcels at her's accidentally sent to our address!!)
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took of my last super that was being cleaned out added two feeders filled the rest of the feeders aswell made 3 gallons of syrup gave 2.5 to them. still feeding 1:1 as i am geting brood frames drawn for next year seperated out my fames and organised them geting ready for storage. and enjoyed my first heather honey from the hive i sent to the heather. put away the last of the ekes from the apiguard. and saw the eviction of my drones. poor guys they got a good kicking today.
Set up a new apairy site ready to move our bees into next week.
Just exstacted four supers using the ten frame electric exstactor I bought at the auction Bath BBKA had yesterday
Although polythene it's on a stand and was very stable when in operation
I was impressed with how dry the frames are after spinning compared the the manual one I used the other week and to top it of I only payed £195 for it bargin:)
Removed the apiguard ekes from all of my colonies this morning, all looking good.
Took a sample of bees for nosema testing, dreary day with us today and I thought I may have trouble getting 20, but as soon as I started faffing around near the entrance (I use a Dartington inspired under floor entrance OMF) loads spilled out, used a metal tobacco tin and caught 30 straight off (quite a few stings on the gloves and a lovely bunch of followers though!)
Not bad for a first attempt
Will do the second hive tomorrow
Oh such a nightmare of a night, went to transfer NYC into BB, bees everywhere, bloody dog got put, ended up being covered in bees, got stung loads, took him to the vets, three injections and two tablets later and he is still very lethargic. Got to keep him warm as his temperature kept dropping. Hopefully by the time I get home from work he should be over the shock and starting to feel better. Very worrying time. Anyone else been through this?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=51.749939,-3.334847
Welshpaul. Hope your dog is ok. Please keep us posted.
Welshpaul. Hope your dog is ok. Please keep us posted.

Seems to be picking up, I dont want to jinx it though, just treated him to a load of new toys and took him to be groomed. Hasnt eaten much but hopefully he will later. Did pee for the first time today and god it was strong and dark yellow, waiting for vets to call me back but hoping its just because of all the drugs he was given.
It'll be because he hasn't drunk much fluid, that's all.
hope he's back to himself soon.
rgds, Tony