What did you do in the Apiary today?

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What fascinating research!

Yeah. They fit the queen with those tiny transmitters and track where they go (https://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/harmonic-vertical-radars). My contact says they're going to do a presentation at the end of the project so I must go along and see what they found.
The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is that sometimes a queen might not emerge from the cell. What will they do if one doesn't emerge? I don't want to let them down.
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My contact says they're going to do a presentation at the end of the project so I must go along and see what they found.

I think you should go and then come back and tell us all!
Yeah. They fit the queen with those tiny transmitters and track where they go (https://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/harmonic-vertical-radars). My contact says they're going to do a presentation at the end of the project so I must go along and see what they found.
The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is that sometimes a queen might not emerge from the cell. What will they do if one doesn't emerge? I don't want to let them down.

Yes go and tell us all about it.
As for QCs....well that's out of your control, offer them a spare?
Very interesting B+, please share the findings :)
I notice there's a few breeders posting cell over in Europe does this travel better?
Very interesting B+, please share the findings :)
I notice there's a few breeders posting cell over in Europe does this travel better?

There is a failure rate at each stage. Some grafts aren't accepted. Some queens don't emerge. Some queens don't mate.
I would be careful about buying cells. You don't want any vibration and temperature could fluctuate in the post.
Now,after saying that B+ you must be even more hesitant
Lol ... I'm sure it will go well for you though : )
There is a failure rate at each stage. Some grafts aren't accepted. Some queens don't emerge. Some queens don't mate.
I would be careful about buying cells. You don't want any vibration and temperature could fluctuate in the post.

Yes strange that they didn't jump at the chance of buying emerged wueens
Now that must be handy, I would like a portable cell carrier, maybe one day.
Managed to complete last weeks failed inspection (bees were going berserk so had to call it a day) Was well prepared this time with plenty of smoker fuel water spray and gaffer taped arms and legs:spy:

Bees were much calmer today,still a bit grumpy but not a patch on last week.We have had a lot of rain recently after a near drought period so maybe that's helped.

All my queens are laying superbly and my 3 main production colonies are very very strong with around 16 frames wall to wall bias in each. I demareed them all last week but only 1 has produced QC's so I made a nuc from one of the cells that will hopefully build up well by the end of the season.

Plenty of honey has been coming in too (mainly hawthorn i think) but the flow will probably slow down for a few weeks now.

Wasn't looking forward to today but it's turned out very nice in the end. :hurray:
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I've had a very busy couple of weeks chasing my bees that have swarmed from being in a field of OSR. From 8 colonies there have been 7 swarms (that I know of). Caught 7 of em and lost a small one that was too high up. Four are definitely prime. 2 definite casts and one I'm not sure yet. Have run out of hives now! Every time I go to the field to inspect it takes up all my available time catching swarms and checking where they came from to knock down qc.

Also got quite a bit of honey to spin out.
Early in the season and bees taking up too much time already!
Removed my supers for extraction and OSR has crystalised enough ofr a super of emergency feed this coming winter. :mad::mad:

Now to clean the kitchen before SWMBO goes nuts!!!
Did a split for the first time on my own. Hopefully there will soon be a new queen and I'll have a two-hive apirary :)