Checked two hives into which the queen was repatriated last week after doing a snelgrove 2. Both hives were queen right, eggs and marked queens seen. Surprisingly both were very feisty, Lots of bees in the air and running like mad, as they would if queen less. They had been very quiet bees before the AS. Any ideas?
United two over wintered nucs, with two hives in which queens were getting on a bit. Had checked the nucs yesterday and saw both queens but could not find the old queens, so could not unite yesterday. Today I found both old queens and dispatched them into my bottle of " queen juice" . Did not bother to check the queens in the nucs, just moved the frames into the new boxes. When I was clearing up, I was sickened to find a poorly, marked queen on the ground near the two hives. Guess I must have given her a bit of a squash when transferring. No idea which of the hives is now queen less , but will look for emergency cells in a couple of days. Still got a couple of spare over wintered nucs, so not the end of the world, but still sick about it.