Went to the association apiary weather terrible and bees vicious - so much that when i arrived the early birds (including the secretary) were stood 200 yards up the road because the bees (before opening any hives) were B*$%ards.
Muggins her volunteered to check one hive - A really vicious bunch of harridans because (we assume) seven weeks or so ago the queen was removed into a nuc for one of our beginners as colony was building QC's like hell, so let's make the most of it and do a split.
a week or so later a plenty of QC's still present.
Two weeks ago in nice weather bees were still vicious no sign of brood, eggs or queen so we decided to put a test frame in (we had loads to spare so two inserted.
Today, bees still vicious (a wasp tried to mooch around for some honey - first time i've felt sorry for a wasp - or bits of one as it is now!) first test frame showed a prety poor emergency cell so the usual blurb was 'this proves no queen present,but QC pretty weak so let's try and source a new queen maybe' next frame brood in all stages!
next frame a beautiful plump dark queen and loads of BIAS.
Moral of the story - even though you may assume by all the evidence you have no queen check all frames before you tell the beginners that a QC on a test frame is a definite positive indication
. The new girl now marked and hopefully the colony will cool down in a few weeks -feel a bit daft meself though