Weight drop while feeding

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New Bee
Jun 20, 2018
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Waterford Ireland
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Weight drop while feeding..

Hi All.

I have two hives next to one another. They each had 4 kg of sugar as 2:1 syrup about a week ago. Tonight when I weighed them before feeding one had gained 2 kg the other had lost 2 kg!

Assuming that I have not made a mistake on weighing (I used luggage scale on each side) If this is heard of, what is going on inside the lighter one to cause this?

If it means anything there was a fair bit of crystalized honey/sugar on the same inspection tray which had been in for a few days.

Tia Nordicul
Is one robbing the other?
Close up the lighter one tonight and see if there are bees at the entrance tomorrow?
Weight drop while feeding..

Hi All.

I have two hives next to one another. They each had 4 kg of sugar as 2:1 syrup about a week ago. Tonight when I weighed them before feeding one had gained 2 kg the other had lost 2 kg!

Assuming that I have not made a mistake on weighing (I used luggage scale on each side) If this is heard of, what is going on inside the lighter one to cause this?

If it means anything there was a fair bit of crystalized honey/sugar on the same inspection tray which had been in for a few days.

Tia Nordicul

When weighing, you MUST lift the side you are weighing only 1-2cms from the horizontal. And more and you will underweigh. So if you weighed one hive just off the horizontal the weight you record will say be 40kg. Raise it to 25% from horizontal and you underweigh 10% or 4Kg..

Simple mechanics..
When I started feeding mine they were losing 1lb a day and even after feeding no weight started to go on for a few days. They were using more than I was giving them. Loads of pollen coming in so I thought they would be bringing stores in but they weren't!

Thanks guys a few ideas there.

The robbing possibility suggested by Erichalfbee I'll check tonight...I presume if it had been that, it would be what they call "silent robbing" as there has been no evidence of any chaotic scenes at the front door?

Hope too Madasafish that it was my weighing technique, I can more readily sort that, practice makes perfect!

I'll keep you posted on outcome.

They will use some of the sugar for processing the rest (24% I believe).
Maybe one is using up stores on brood.
Weight drop while feeding.

Hi All,

Just an update on outcome.

First off as suggested by Erichalfbee I closed up the lighter hive and checked to see if any robbers next morning, but turned out all clear.

I think Madasafish has put his finger on it when he said about my weighing technique. When I re weighed yesterday the hive which had been lighter had now "gained" 3.75kg and the other had lost almost a Kg!

I weighed them using the luggage scales on either side a few times....interestingly(to me) while each side sometimes weighed different the combined weights were the same..mmh

I also think the other suggestions,..One hive working harder by Millet and they were feeding brood by Beeno could be factors but overall the issue is weighing technique....how you expert BK's manage by hefting alone is very impressive...I have much to learn.

On the plus side both hives are still taking feed down and bringing in lots of pollen.


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