WBC hive floor and over-wintering empty hive

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New Bee
Oct 2, 2009
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We are lucky enough to have obtained a complete wbc second hand hive. no bees yet ! We have 2 queries and would like some input from experienced beekeepers. :
1. the hive has a solid wood floor ... should we change to an open mesh ?
2. As we have no bees should we put the complete hive in the garden with the brood frames and super frames and hope for a swarm in the spring. Or should we only leave out the brood box with frames ?
Or would it be better to store the complete hive in the shed until early spring ?

We hope to be able to make a second wbc over the winter.
Thanks in advance.
I'd change the floor, or cut a hole in it and insert mesh and an inspection tray underneath to save money.

If you leave it out, you probably won't get to paint it (if it needs it) before next year.

Put the hive together and run a hose/watering can over the roof. leave for 5 mins then open the hive. this is to cehck the roof is sound and has no holes in it.

If it is sound, there is no reason why not to leave it outside all winter with brood boxes etc in it...it save sapce in your garage for a start !

If the frames have wax in them, unless you can 100% guarantee there is no risk of any disease (AFB/EFB) I'd cut the wax out, burn the wax and scorch the frames then re-fot new froundation next season. Beware the waxmoth !!

We are lucky enough to have obtained a complete wbc second hand hive. no bees yet ! We have 2 queries and would like some input from experienced beekeepers. :
1. the hive has a solid wood floor ... should we change to an open mesh ?
2. As we have no bees should we put the complete hive in the garden with the brood frames and super frames and hope for a swarm in the spring. Or should we only leave out the brood box with frames ?
Or would it be better to store the complete hive in the shed until early spring ?

We hope to be able to make a second wbc over the winter.
Thanks in advance.

clean all the inside with a blow torch, ensure it is waterproof and leave outside until april without frames or wax

in april you have a choice, for a bait hive you either put new brood foundation in the brood box or use some of your old comb and new foundation...a swarm is more likely to be gathered if only the brood box is used rather than brood and supers

though with a BS national i just use a crown/clearer board above the brood then put empty supers..ease of storage....do not store foundation/comb in an empty hive over winter or in the supers in spring unless the bees need extra Honey storage room..WAX moth will attack it

what foundation do you use in a bait brood box...many many answers

my late father used 3 full foundation frames, a diagonal cut half foundation frame, a starter strip frame (or empty old waxed frame). then another diagonal frame, then three full frames...and a empty sugar feeder ..all rubed with lemon grass stems


why the half frames...bees in early stage of new hive like to be in close contact

using Old comb....well that another answer, how to store it..in the freezer
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And enjoy your WBC :)- much maligned, but I love mine- the lifts are good as super stands during inspection.

I have nationals, as well, so have experienced both.
Only problem is - keeping supers separate if you get Nationals as well. Very exasperating to go for a new national super to find you have brought a WBC as slightly smaller:toetap05: