wanted - £25k to breed black bees

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Hmm. In Uk beekeeping style, when 80% keep their few hives on backyard, it is vain to speak about "beekeeping world". It is very different to speak in Canada, where 80% are professionals.

My advice to all beekeepers is, that even if you are a beekeeper, you need not loose your mind.
Be selective, do not let your bees suffer for all kind of ideas.

Forum beekeepers seems to be own kind of human race, and not very good as beekeepers. It is more social happening and far from "beekeeping world". Be carefull, and do not pick too much stupid ideas from forums.

Yes ... but we are not in Canada, the situation in the UK is exactly the opposite and I would suggest that the majority of beekeepers on this forum would describe themselves as 'hobby' beekeepers. Your advice is very good though - two key bits above I again agree with.

I think that beekeeping in the UK is very much tied to a 'social happening' - and our 'beekeeping world' is to a degree brought together by the various beekeeping associations - good and bad - without them and the likes of this forum beekeeping would be a very insular activity. I haven't yet found a beekeeper that doesn't like talking about their bees and their beekeeping - either face to face or across the ether - and you are no exception !

As for forum beekeepers being not very good beekeepers ... well, perhaps some of us are - but we probably come to the forum to try and become better beekeepers ?
Certainly if Phil can orchestrate the generation of a sustainable breeding pool of high quality black bees, then it can only be a good thing and good luck to him. .......but maybe my confusion is just that he appears to have suddenly become a born again conventional beekeeper.

The truth is to have much chance of meaningful success he will need to engage positively with all sorts of beekeepers and probably find a lot more than £25k.

I think the last sentence I've highlighted in bold might well explain some of the reason for the lack of crowd-finding and the failure of the initiative.
I think the last sentence I've highlighted in bold might well explain some of the reason for the lack of crowd-finding and the failure of the initiative.

I don't think PC has become a born again conventional beekeeper - he started out as one and moved on - I don't see him moving away from his top bar hives and his principles of 'balanced beekeeping'. However, he does seem to be more tolerant, these days, of those beekeepers who stray from the fundamentalism that he preaches. I didn't see anything amiss in his plan to breed more black bee queens ... it's what bees do themselves anyway ... but there were a few of his followers who saw it as interference and straying from the path he has been treading for some years.

Some of his ideas are quite interesting and I can't see anything wrong with an initiative to enhance our native bee stocks. Unfortunately, it's an initiative that lacks appeal on so many fronts. It was localised, it would not appeal to many outside of beekeeping circles and even within beekeeping circles there are divergent views on what he was seeking to achieve - even amongst those 4000 or so members on his own forum.

Crowd funding, appears to me, to work best when there is a tangible item at the end of it and when there is a broad based appeal. It's a pity but I think Phil's scheme was doomed before it got off the ground.