Virgin broad band laugh

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
BB went down lat night, very unusual for us, only 2nd time in three years.

I phoned to ask how long it would be off, got a load of rubbish from the Indian call center who then promised to E-mail me to tell me it was up again?

Still chuckling this morning

We had same problem. No TV no broadband and no sense out of the call centre. We had to talk to eachother. We even had a discussion about whether we should find some cards to play.
We had a similar problem a couple of years ago although not involving BB but with BT we moved to a new house without a phone line, BT gave us a temporary number and arranged for an engineer to call between 9am -6pm to install, stayed in all day but he failed to show up, we phoned the call centre on the mobile to find out what had gone wrong only to be told the engineer had tried to phone us on several occasions during the day to say he could not make it, funny we said no missed calls on the mobile, no she said he tried your land line! what the one he is coming to install? i said, oh yes she replied :banghead:Chris
I am on Virgin and have always spoken to UK call centers!

Had an issue a few weeks back where speed dropped from the 6mb we pay for down to bairly 2.

Turns out it was BT that "fixed" the line, when I reported a fault (noisy line), that was an "overseas" center. Strange I though how they can "fix" a line from India, usually man is down the hole outside the house.

Turns out they just electronicly noise suppress the line, great for voice but filters of your broadband.

Problem now sorted, very happy with Virgin.
our phone and BB have been down for a while due to theft of copper wire. Not sure when will be reinstated.

I am sure I read somwhere, where a not to bright tea leaf thought he had struck rich, but turned out it was fibre optic cable:willy_nilly:
Yup, our Virgin wasn't functioning (pun intended) for around 24h this week. Luckily the business line is with someone else or we wouldn't have known it wasn't officially not working.
"but turned out it was fibre optic cable"

probably best if 1Mb optic cable gets nicked and replaced with something better. Perhaps good old copper.
We don't get many power interruptions, but when we do I often surmise that some scroat has been trying to steal copper from a sub station. I often wish such miscreants severe harm.

We had several power interruptions early last week and I took great pleasure in reading yesterday in the local rag that the police had tracked down a man dropped off anonymously by his friends at a local hospital with 60% burns from his feet up to his scalp, commensurate with electrocution.

Some friends, sad case, salutary reminder; leave my electric alone.
It totally screwed my computer uptime figures . . . :)

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