Very little hive activity

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House Bee
Sep 20, 2010
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I had one of those rare moments where I was able to sit next to my hives with a cup of coffee and watch the ladies bringing in pollen and water; I did notice the swarm that I picked up from my mentor last year is not as active as my other hive. The bees were coming in and out in ones and twos but still bringing in pollen when I went to have a closer look to see if the entrance may be obstructed I was greeted by four guards which took exception to my intrusion fortunately no stings this time but...
Should I be worried by the lack of activity coming from this hive?
I have given them fondant, but should I start giving them something else to bring them on a bit?
Don't try to add activity. It doest not work.

Look first does it has brood=queen.
How big the cluster is?
How much it has expar space there which steal the heat

I suppose that the cluster is small and bees do not occupied many frames.
Often a small colony stays in upper parts of combs and in real the cluster is smaller than you look upwards.

If it has a queen, take from some hive an emerging brood frame.
First restrict the space to minimum with insulated dummy board.
Add during spring those emerging brood.
Thanks FT I know it is still a bit chilly to expect them to be really busy bees, but at the time of my observation (which I should have mentioned in my initial post) it was approx 11:30 am and a tropical 10 degrees C in my aipary and my other hive was a whole lot busier than the one in question.
Thanks FT I know it is still a bit chilly to expect them to be really busy bees, but at the time of my observation (which I should have mentioned in my initial post) it was approx 11:30 am and a tropical 10 degrees C in my aipary and my other hive was a whole lot busier than the one in question.

Don't worry at all; different colonies have different levels of hardiness when it comes to flyin in less good weather- it is a genetic thing.

Make sure that they have enough food to get them through by hefting and adding fondant if necessary though.

Ben P
I think the main thing is they are flying thats good news for me
Pollen and guard bees shows they are ok:beatdeadhorse5:
-1.4 Whalley Range sunday

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