Very happy bees

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Mrs FG and I just completed this week's inspection together.

There are twice as many bees as when we first got this colony as a nuc; there are loads of larvae and eggs (yes, we can both see eggs properly now!). There are some stores along the top of most frames, but not loads. There is all sorts of different pollen colours.

We didn't see the queen. We found it very difficult to get the light right (in a woody glade with sometimes sun, sometimes shade as the wind blew).

Worst of all - we both went totally into "Ooooh, look at that!" mode and neither of us really recorded anything.

I did note some capped drone cells and no real play cups (a few raised cells with larvae in them, but I'm pretty sure these were worker cells converted to drone cells).

They've started using one of the half foundation frames :) growing the comb down - beautiful white new stuff.

I'm going to add another box soon, underneath the current one, with empty frames and just starter strips; hopefully they'll build some nice new comb, and move the brood nest down into it. This will leave the top box for honey storage.

Hold off the bb below at least until they have gone 2/3rds across the original BB. You maybe asking them to do too much too soon.

Beekeeping is a game of waiting sometimes....Other than that sounds like she's doing her stuff and the colony is o.k

Oh, the wizard has picked up a few more colonies and now a couple in Langstroth hives so you maybe able to start your next venture this year if they perform well.
I'll review the (fairly scrappy) video, but I think that only one frame - the first removed after the dummy board - is still untouched. The last two, untouched last week, are now drawn and laid into in their front halves; the back half of each just starting to be drawn.

I think in another week of good weather, they'll be running short of space. I'll get the next lot of frames ready for them and expect to add the next box next weekend if they need it.

Great to hear about all the colonies you have; let me know when to "Fire up the Disco" . . .


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