Ventilated Bee Suit.

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Not tried it but had a look at the blurb - claims to have "premium YKK brass zippers around the veil and jacket" - but they look plastic in the advert images. Sizing info is very limited. Does not indicate at all how thick the material is, appears to simply bee a single layer of mesh.
Not tried it but had a look at the blurb - claims to have "premium YKK brass zippers around the veil and jacket" - but they look plastic in the advert images. Sizing info is very limited. Does not indicate at all how thick the material is, appears to simply bee a single layer of mesh.
I have their unventilated version and it is very good quality, as they claim.
I recently bought a ventilated suit having had a Sherriff since I started. I‘ve noticed that the foam/fabric with holes allows bees to settle on the suit far more than the Sherriff one and was slightly off putting to begin with. It does seem to attract more “attention” than I was used to. Having said that, the confidence that they can’t sting through it is reassuring and the cooling effect is brilliant allowing a more leisurely approach to inspections. I do think it will need washing more often as the bees attached to the fabric might well bee injecting venom into it which might cause additional “attention” at next inspection.
I recently bought a ventilated suit having had a Sherriff since I started. I‘ve noticed that the foam/fabric with holes allows bees to settle on the suit far more than the Sherriff one and was slightly off putting to begin with. It does seem to attract more “attention” than I was used to. Having said that, the confidence that they can’t sting through it is reassuring and the cooling effect is brilliant allowing a more leisurely approach to inspections. I do think it will need washing more often as the bees attached to the fabric might well bee injecting venom into it which might cause additional “attention” at next inspection.
I wash mine very regularly ... they clean up well with a spoonful of washing soda added to the wash but what is really good is that they dry in next to no time .... On a warm day last week it came out of the washing machine, I hung it on the line and in 20 minutes it was as dry as a bone and ready to wear. My cotton suits take much longer ...
I bought 3 when I wanted some cheap suits to limit the possible spread of EFB between my apiaries. They are good as far as not getting stung but I think I got one size too big so I look a bit like a Michelin man. The zips seem very good but would prefer Velcro rather than elastic on the wrists. The one negative is that the veil sometimes rests on my face so have to wear a cap to keep it off my face.
I have a Swienty Breeze. Nice and cool and only been stung wearing it due to my own stupidity! :rolleyes: They are a bit bulky and heavier than some suits, but do fold into their hoods.


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I use a ventilated suited. A bit heavier and bulkier than standard but cooler. I'm in Perth Western Australia.
YKK is the biggest zip manufacturer and I think make 70%+ of the world's zips.
It's winter now so won't use till later next month.
I love my Swienty Breeze suite, wasn't sure I would like a ventilated suite but once I used one I wouldn't go back.
I bought 3 when I wanted some cheap suits to limit the possible spread of EFB between my apiaries. They are good as far as not getting stung but I think I got one size too big so I look a bit like a Michelin man. The zips seem very good but would prefer Velcro rather than elastic on the wrists. The one negative is that the veil sometimes rests on my face so have to wear a cap to keep it off my face.

I can vouch for the 'Michelin Man' appearance! :LOL: Although I believe the comment made (I think by one of the staff as we passed but I may be confusing who said what) was a comparison to astronauts...
I've seen a few people 'in the public view' previously magazines but now on social media who seem to spend their time angling for freebies. You can spot it a mile off. There was a regular column writer on the Shooting Times (now passed God Bless Him) who got most of his kit like that, one week he'd be maybe extolling the virtues of traditional tweed which can't be beaten in the field, or maybe bemoaning the fact you could never get a raincoat that didn't leak or a welly that kept your feed warm.
The next few weeks then his column would begin 'As I don my wonderful new warm, breathable, totally waterproof lightweight schoffel jacket/Le Chameau boots, Lockes tweet trilby etc. etc.
I notice a prominent Welsh hill farmer on facebook is wearing a different raincoat every day at the moment after bemoaning the fact you can never have a rainy day on the hills without your coat letting you down!!
Sorry to resurrect/bump old thread but this is for anyone in future searching through old threads about choosing suits.

Had a chat with a bee farmer friend the other day about the Old Castle Farm Hives Sentinel suit. He ended up buying one (fencing veil) and just called to let me know how he was getting on with it- was very pleased. Well ventilated and cool (almost too cool he said now the weather has turned a little). His bees were very grumpy today due to the weather and despite them balling his face veil (!) and apparently in attack mode he said he didn't get a single sting through the suit so he's very pleased with it.
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This thread has been most useful, thanks - particularly to Anduril for pointing out the different configuration of the hood on the Swienty Breeze - which is the suit I went for. The temperature had retreated a couple of degrees from the 32 C here when I collected it, but there seems to be good air circulation, and it is very comfortable. I did the measurements prior to ordering, and it fits, but quite snugly. More salads need to be eaten I suspect
From memory this is what I went for
really needed this recently, but even before July was glad of it in May... you can get very hot after working with the bees for a few hours.

There are other cheaper versions if you're willing to buy of ebay, but I prefer the round brim hat version, I don't understand why beeks go for the fencing style one, those that do wear them, from what I've seen, are constantly using one hand to pull it back to see properly?|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2047675
JUST REMEMBER you will NEED to order a suit one size bigger than you are normally used to.