Is that super full of honey? If so remove it and spin it for yourself. Put the eke directly on the brood box and do your apiguard treatment. Then add a feeder and feed them to required weight.
Bees survive perfectly well on sugar syrup and even if you feed what will be in the brood is a mix of honey and syrup. What they also forget to mention online is that in some cold temps syrup is actually better for the bees as less waste(poo) is generated.I am tempted to do that, but thought it was better for the bees to have their own honey than sugar syrup? I've looked online, and opinion seems divided
We always leave a super of honey on each of our hives. Got them through two winters successfully so will do it again this year .Thank you for that, really helpful - and makes the job simple as well.
Is it all eaten by the time you look in the following spring?We always leave a super of honey on each of our hives. Got them through two winters successfully so will do it again this year .
Sublimation ( generic O A ) that bought stuff is a clogger and OA strips home made.Oxalic acid vape
It's not eaten. We put ours at the top of the brood box framesIs it all eaten by the time you look in the following spring?
Yes I understand that. I was asking whether the bees eat it. If not why leave it for them?It's not eaten. We put ours at the top of the brood box frames
Yes I understand that. I was asking whether the bees eat it. If not why leave it for them?
Bees can easily store enough food for winter in the brood nest where it's needed