Hi have removed apigaurd 10 days ago and continue to get high varroa drop.up to 10 per day ...
1/ When did you put it on? What temperatures have you seen while it has been on? What temperatures do the instructions specify?
It is a treatment that needs to be maintained through more than one complete brood cycle for effectiveness. Cold (preventing vaporisation) dramatically limits the effectiveness.
Insulation (or a polyhive) somewhat reduces the sensitivity to external conditions.
2/ Bayvarol and Apistan can be used in current temperatures, BUT BUT BUT they are nasty, persistent pesticides you should be trying to keep away from your bees. They were a very popular treatment when varroa first appeared and people were just looking for anything that worked. Then (helped by people not using them properly/safely) varroa became resistant to them. Avoiding using them (and removing pesticide-contaminated wax) allows the varroa to lose their resistance (over a period of a few years).
So it is best NEVER to use them, reserving them for real emergency use.
3/ MAQS can be used without contaminating honey (or wax). But it (like Thymol-based products) needs a bit of warmth to vaporise. Again, insulation gives warmer hive air in cold weather and thus extends its operating temperature window (though I personally suspect it may make for overtreatment later in the season).
It has the further advantage of being a quick treatment (only a week) - ALTHOUGH (uniquely to Formic acid/MAQS) dead varroa from brood cells will continue to drop for three weeks or so (a brood cycle) - so don't panic when the drop doesn't stop sharply after treatment.
4/ 10/day is a highish varroa drop, but it isn't panic stations.
5/ My two alternative suggestions are EITHER to wait until the weather warms up enough to treat with MAQS or Apiguard, or to obtain some Apivar.
---- Note that Apivar has no connection with ApilifeVar (a totally different and Thymol-based treatment) too many people confuse these products.
----- And note that, being obtained through the euro 'cascade authorisation' system, it isn't available at your local bee shop.
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