Varoa drop

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New Bee
Sep 3, 2020
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Just like to put this out as a query?

I have three hives wintering. Had four but one was weak so I put it with another small colony. All good.
I treated with Apiguard mid summer and everything is good. Also been topping up with stores so everything appears normal.
I did my OA vapour treatment four days ago using the same amount (1gram) sealing all the entrances and bottom boards, so the same method.
My query is in my two nationals I have seen a drop 30+ mites over 4 days whereas in my topbar I have seen something around 200 on each of the two inspections over four days. I say around because the shear number of mites was difficult to count accurately.
Have others seen such a huge difference between hives as I was expecting a pretty similar mite drop as in past years.
I’m happy that the mites have been hit hard and may consider another hit as I am seeing cappings on the bottom boards.
Any thoughts?
Apiguard can be hit and miss if you treated mid summer there’s been plenty of opportunity for mites to reproduce. I looked into some a couple of weeks ago and still found brood. So if your still seeing brood cappings I’m not surprised, I’d do as your suggesting and vape the tbh again. Ian