look’s like they will work together?
Yes, but to achieve that match a QX must be put between wood box and 12-frame box to avoid double beespace beween boxes. Another negative is that 12-frame boxes need a dummy board, whereas the 11 box does not.
These bits of kit must be made or bought, stored, cleaned and carried, all of which costs money and labour, and if there is one truth in beekeeping it is that simplicity and commonality of equipment makes work easy, for beekeeper and bees.
The design detours of the 12 box are a cul-de-sac in my view, because a 12th frame is a micro advantage and neither here nor there to a booming colony. At that stage, another box is needed.
Maximising the return on a tomato is comparable, in which product profit is maximised by diversifying the plain item: chopped tinned, chopped tinned with herbs, tomato puree, puree with garlic, passata, passata with - well, you get the idea.
Where this analogy differs is that all these products can be used together to produce pleasure, but try mix'n'matching hives and the only pleasure will be at Abelo, who will have achieved the sale.