urban foxed

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Sorry HP but in your first post you gave the impression that you are happy to and the exact quote

three crushed paracetimols and a tin of tuna works just as well for cats dogs badgers and flipping un welcome foxes”

POISONING is not good its as though you are standing shoulder to shoulder with the BBKA.
They're not stray cats but well fed moggies with owners too lazy to teach them how to use a littler tray. Although perhaps they have been trained and they see my deep beds as the biggest litter trays they have ever seen. I chuck stones at them* if I think no one is looking but we are surrounded by houses and the wretched cats come at us from all directions. It is like a scene from Shaun of the Dead with them invading the garden and surrounding the house.

*I'm a bad shot so no cats are harmed.
*I'm a bad shot so no cats are harmed.

A hand full of pea gravel works wonders if your aim is poor and they are not too far away!

Regards, RAB
It was sop to the cat lobby. They can be pretty unpleasant - see what happened to the poor lady with the wheely bin.

The "poor lady with the wheely bin" committed a criminal act no less reckless or illegal than attacking your bees. Should she be allowed to get away with that? She did, after all, get of very lightly.
You could try this ,shouldn't take HP long to rig up something and video to boot.

no good russel no taps and hose pipes at the allotment and no outside tap at home. water pistols are more fun.

yes you are right tom, if it was legal i would quite happily remove badgers from any land, but its not so we have to suffer the evil things instead, its because they are untouchable that so many farmers and country people hate them.

fortunutly there are no bagders in brum as they keep getting run over, yippie.

we also forgot to add to my list of rants and hatred , rabbits and pigions,
pigions are no more than a flying rat in towns,

and i realy do think just like urban foxes, pigions numbers should be controlled, not completley removed but lowered and as for wild ferral cats i would quite happily enjoy seeing the very last one shot.

but can i say who hippicritical i am , as the one animal i detest in the country side i am very willing to watch run around the local parks and that is grey squirels, it would be better if they were reds admittily, but greys in the citys seem to me as ok, talk about double sided, outside the city limits i would shoot lots.

daft brummie mentality??
cats shouldn't be a problem - our 28 (mostly feral) happily cohabit and even sleep with poultry.

mrs fox on the other hand....
A trick used by the pigeon fanciers around here used to be to pen a kitten in with a broody hen , removing it after it had received a good battering !
The idea being ,it allowed them to keep the kitten/cat to tackle problem vermin but avoid feathers and flapping wings :p
"Until the chicks come."

No - we've happily had cats and chicks cohabiting. we currently have a chicken who lays her egg on the sofa next to cats and another two nesting in the washing baskets. all the while sharing space with 28 cats.

it can be a bit difficult to watch TV in evenings - cats taking up sofa space, chickens on backs/arms crowing regularly and others blocking view whilst watching TV intently from just in front of the screen.
The neighbourhood cats, even the old farm moggy who chases my border collie, are all terrified of my hens and I should think a broody is even more ferocious if challenged.
My cockerel, on the other hand, is just gentle and handsome and simply annoys the neighbours :blush5:
it can be a bit difficult to watch TV in evenings - cats taking up sofa space, chickens on backs/arms crowing regularly and others blocking view whilst watching TV intently from just in front of the screen.

What a sight that must be!!! :) :)

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