Under wintered super when can I remove it?

  • Thread starter Curly green fingers
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Curly green fingers

Hi all I'm just wondering when I can remove my super that's under my
Brood. I plan to replace the floor to so I was hoping I could do this at the same time. This afternoon they were flying cleansing flight's for the second time in two weeks or so , No foraging going on thou..
I forgot to ask at my local beekeeping meeting as the talk was on swarms,casts and superseded queens and that was enough for one night didn't leave untill 1030
Cheers mark.
Plenty of time for that yet so don't worry too much. Yes to changing the flor at the same time, just wait until it warms up a little more. The season is almost there just requires a little more patience:)
You don't really need to remove it. When it gets warmer shove a QE between the brood and the under super. Wait five days, see where the eggs are. If in the BB then swap the position of the box's. If in the super then find the queen and slip her in the BB. Then swap the box's. Any brood above the excluder in the super will emerge and then they will start to fill out with honey. Remove any drone brood in the super to stop them getting trapped.
Change any comb that needs changing and clean up the box after extraction
When I do this around end of April I find that most of the bees and brood will be higher up in the brood chamber anyway. The super is empty and not many bees hanging around. I just lift it out and place above the brood chamber with a queen excluder in between. I clean out the floor at the same time.

Sometimes I will have cleaned out the floor earlier if there was a good day in March. Lifting out the floor doesn't really disturb them much anyway.
Here in sunny Cheshire it was 15 degrees yesterday and the bees were flying all day. I had a double brood hive I wanted to replace the lower box and floor so mid afternoon I just lifted the top box, removed the lower box and floor and put the top box back on a new floor. It took a matter of seconds and the bees didn't seem to notice.

Then I set about cleaning up the old box and sliced my thumb cutting old comb out of the frames - so that put a stop to anything further.
Thankyou for the comments everyone and methods Enrico.
Me and my wife and one of the children are going to replace the floor.. They can grab an end each and I'll replace the floor. Three lots of hands hope fully better than one.
I'm going to leave the super until its more like this :sunning: which will be next month hopefully .
Cheers mark

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