Today's the day - America decides..............

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
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Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Also known as God Help America day.
Whilst the land of the free (unless you're Hispanic,black, Gay, Native American or don't like getting shot) decide which one of the two is the shiniest turd I believe that Tesco's have come up with their own version of an exit poll.

Trump's chances of success is being judged on how much tinned goods people are stockpiling for the feared armageddon!!!
Also known as God Help America day.
Whilst the land of the free (unless you're Hispanic,black, Gay, Native American or don't like getting shot ***) decide which one of the two is the shiniest turd I believe that Tesco's have come up with their own version of an exit poll.

Trump's chances of success is being judged on how much tinned goods people are stockpiling for the feared armageddon!!!

***you forgot our Islamic friends, Breton, Dem'Greens and probably Welsh!!!

makes our Foreign Secretary seem normal!

Nos da
The other day when I saw Trump wearing a baseball cap, I thought Honey G was running for President.

What is it with the baseball cap and business suit that these guys seems to do when they get close to the end of the campaign? Like a symbol of trust or something?

I think HoneyG would get my vote over either of these two.
Time for a change, had enough of bureaucracy and false promises. Americans always fear the worse, and some day they will realise that Hollywood is only fictional

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This threads subject is overplayed in my opinion. I can see why people are interested, it's quite a big deal I suppose but what really annoys me is just how much attention it gets, hundreds maybe thousands more times column inches than the leaders of our close European neighbours get. It's all part of the agenda and a big part of the reason we're brainwashed into leaving the eu.
Ok Hillary winning would be a minor triumph set against the massive setback a character as odious as Trump winning would be but she's no Obama, and even under Obama the Americans have been waging war and causing instability all over the world to support their own greed.
Long live liberal Europe and down with the hatred of fascism everywhere I say.
I think the country is bigger than its politicians. It will bounce back whoever wins.

Bounce back from what? The U.S. is not doing too badly at the moment despite the promise by Mr T to make America great again. Here's why:

1 The USA had 78 straight months of economic expansion.

2. They are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 4.9% by early 2016.

4. The stock market continues to set new record highs since President Obama took office.

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.

6. Under President Obama, government spending has increased only 3.3% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are as low or lower than they were at almost any point in the last 50 years.

8. Dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.

9. At least 18 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, Americans are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.

12. The U.S. currently has fewer soldiers, sailors, and airmen in war zones than it did at any time in the last 12 years.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.

14. The U.S.government now successfully catches and deports more illegal immigrants than ever before.

It's a bit like that scene from The Life of Brian - "what have the Romans ever done for us", except substitute Obama for the Romans.

This threads subject is overplayed in my opinion. I can see why people are interested, it's quite a big deal I suppose but what really annoys me is just how much attention it gets, hundreds maybe thousands more times column inches than the leaders of our close European neighbours get. It's all part of the agenda and a big part of the reason we're brainwashed into leaving the eu.
Ok Hillary winning would be a minor triumph set against the massive setback a character as odious as Trump winning would be but she's no Obama, and even under Obama the Americans have been waging war and causing instability all over the world to support their own greed.
Long live liberal Europe and down with the hatred of fascism everywhere I say.

Well said - but if nothing else, all the hype is a handy smoke screen for the tories to carry on their nastiness unchecked
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Bounce back from what? The U.S. is not doing too badly at the moment despite the promise by Mr T to make America great again. Here's why:

1 The USA had 78 straight months of economic expansion.

2. They are currently enjoying the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.

3. Unemployment has dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 4.9% by early 2016.

4. The stock market continues to set new record highs since President Obama took office.

5. The Federal budget deficit is shrinking. It’s been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.

6. Under President Obama, government spending has increased only 3.3% annually, the lowest rate since Eisenhower was president.

7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes are as low or lower than they were at almost any point in the last 50 years.

8. Dependence on foreign oil has shrunk due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.

9. At least 18 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.

10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.

11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, Americans are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.

12. The U.S. currently has fewer soldiers, sailors, and airmen in war zones than it did at any time in the last 12 years.

13. There have been zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil since Obama became president.

14. The U.S.government now successfully catches and deports more illegal immigrants than ever before.

It's a bit like that scene from The Life of Brian - "what have the Romans ever done for us", except substitute Obama for the Romans.

Bounce back from what is going to happen now is what I meant
Will we be at the front of the queue for trade as he promised, if so then we should take a delegation to Europe and see if they want to join the British Commonwealth. :D
Apparently Nigel Farage would really like the job of being Mr Trumps US ambassador to the EU, I think that would be amusing.

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