To add a super or not?

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Field Bee
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mid Glamorgan
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 hives + 3 nucs
Ive just checked my national hive and things seem to be going well.

Theres 3 double sides of brood (capped) 2 of eggs and young larvae plus a small patch of drone brood.

My only concern is with the amount of nectar they have in the brood area. All available space seems full except for the 2 frames at the very back of the hive which are completely empty. They are even filling the empty cells that the new bees have hatched out of.

I've ready all the other posts on supering and describing spring build up etc (nice one Poly Hive:bigear:) but am a bit concerened that they are running out of room already:nopity:.

So, should I add a super or leave them to it until the weekends forecast chilly spell is over?


I would put your empty frames next to the brood nest, one either side.

You are saying if I read it right that you have brood on 5 frames?

An old trick but a good one is to put a drawing pin on the outer frame of brood so you know where it was on the last inspection. saves pulling all the frames.

I would put your empty frames next to the brood nest, one either side.

You are saying if I read it right that you have brood on 5 frames?

An old trick but a good one is to put a drawing pin on the outer frame of brood so you know where it was on the last inspection. saves pulling all the frames.


Thanks for that. You got it in one, brood on 5 frames in total.

I may not get a chance to move the frames before the weekend so fingers crossed the weather holds out. That said, if it turns cold again, I'm sure the bees will sort out the stores in the brood combs.

I love the drawing pin idea btw, so simple yet ingenious:sifone:
I will pass on the kudos to Hamish Robertson at Stoneleigh. His idea he taught me. :)

Ya just have to remember to move it accordingly....LOL

Manipulate instead of supering. The weather is expected to take a turn for the worst the weekend.

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