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House Bee
Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Northern ireland
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Hi everyone
Im sure almost everyone here is more experienced than i am but i started making up frames recently and for better or worse instead of the panel pins i used a stapler to fix them together.

Just putting it out there if anyone else had thoughts on it or other ideas that make things abit easier or cheaper to enjoy this bee keeping business please post.
I made a few frames up the other week, used the normal nails but when I came to wire the frames I used a staple gun to hold the wire. Found this much easier than winding the wire around nails.
Does glue hold up to hot water + washing soda ?

Rather depends on the glue you use.

Frankly, I never bother going to that level of cleansing .. once they have been through the solar wax melter a quick scrape with the hive tool and they are sufficiently clean to re-use if you wish.

I tend to nail and glue mine ... nails through the side of the frames not down from the top. Belt and braces,
I use a nail gun from scewfix best forty quid i ever spent
My £10 nail gun for Lidl has worked wonders for two years...And I glue..
As you know I use the KiSS principle and so have never glued. I cannot begin to imagine the faff of it.

Just use the proper pins the proper way and that's it. If you need to replace a side bar for example it's simple enough.


As you know I use the KiSS principle and so have never glued. I cannot begin to imagine the faff of it.

Just use the proper pins the proper way and that's it. If you need to replace a side bar for example it's simple enough.



:iagree: - most wholeheartedly!
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:iagree: - most wholeheartedly!

Shall we leave you both KISSing? [emoji813]
If you take Keep It Simple Stupid to a logical conclusion...we are back to skep beekeeping and minimal intervention.
Rant over :)

Although with frames (seconds) less than 60p each we seem to be taking a lot of trouble over throwaway bits of kit. (Ducks flying shrapnel)
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Although with frames (seconds) less than 60p each we seem to be taking a lot of trouble over throwaway bits of kit. (Ducks flying shrapnel)

I actually agree to some extent ... and I would say that, if they need boiling in washing soda then they are probably past the stage where they should be kept. This predilection towards cleaning hives and frames is ridiculous - bees are the cleanest organisms on the planet - if they can't clean and re-comb frames themselves there is something wrong.

If you are boiling because frames have had disease - for goodness sake BURN them !!
No need to be nasty Beefriendly... although that nick seems pretty much an oxymmoron.

There is no need to glue. People are getting over complex over what is a very simple nailing job. Nail it right and there is no need for glue and down the line the glue will be a hinderence.

I repeat KISS.

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For supers, I don't use nails, staples or glue. Just beesy frame corners. Snap together.

See link.

For broods, glue and either nails or staples - whatever is closest at the time.