Hi again, great result, never say never. If you remember I had a Q- small swarm nuc and they were laying drones, everyone I asked at my association apiary said they were a lost cause and several people on here. However I'm the stubborn type plus a soft touch for any form of wildlife.
So I sent for a mated queen, pressed the travel box with the new queen and attendant workers into a frame and left them for 4 days, after which the bees in the hive could be brushed off the travel box and they seemed to be going about normal bee business. I opened the cage put the queen on my hand and in she walked.Checked 5 days later and all good, eggs seen and all calm,
Then disaster! Massive robbing problem which had been going on for several days hive totally cleared out and queen gone.
So lesson 1 I definitely think you can requeen a queenless drone laying colony.
Lesson 2 act really fast if you see or think that robbing has started.
That's the main reason I bought the Thorne's RoBo block, for the flexibility.
However, horse and stable door springs to mind in this case.