The chinese bee

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Wonderful photos thanks for sharing. Welcome to the forum.
Hello, me old China

Welcome .... " me old China " is Cockney rhyming slang for China Plate... mate..

An English dialect once limited to those who were born in earshot of Bow church Bells in East London... now merged with a strange and somewhat incomprehensible dialect named "estree" common in Essex !

Where is this mystical place that you refer to as 'E-S-S-E-X'.....?
Hi Chinabee, fantastic looking comb honey. Thanks for the photos. I've a nephew living in China, in (pronounced) Shenshen, next to Hong Kong. Guess thats a very long way from you?

:) i guess you nephew living in Shenzhen, the same city with me, Shenzhen is north of HongKong.
welcome to the forum, looking forward to tales of beekeeping in China
Well, as an East Londoner and born central London (mind it would have to be a calm night with a strong southerly wind for me to be born in earshot of Bow bells which were long gone when i was born), I feel perfectly at ease using elements of it.

The church is St Mary-le-Bow and it is in central London, Cheapside not the "east end".

I think its just people in West 'Am who want to think they are proper cockernees who decided the perpetuate the myth the bow bells were in Bow church.
Just some daft topic ish...

So I noticed you were wearing a western style wristwatch, is there no chinese equivalent?

Also the scales are in chinese but I assume refer to kilos? Is that right? again what did Chinese people do before the Kilo?

Apologies for the bizarre questions but they are genuine and I will now go a stare into the middle distance...

all the best,
I thought Ill give it a go to see what it feels like, you never know someone could offer me a job one day l:)l

Try Heathrow or Gatwick, looks like we need some more to cover the ones on lunch-break! But then again it takes a certain kind........;)
I thought Ill give it a go to see what it feels like, you never know someone could offer me a job one day l:)l

You can have mine if you like - I've had a gutsful as soon as I can find something decent I'm off. fed up of being treated like dirt by a department which is only interested in hitting targets and not combating crime and being slated off by members of the public who haven't a clue what most of us really do (and it's not stamping passports!)

Try Heathrow or Gatwick, looks like we need some more to cover the ones on lunch-break! But then again it takes a certain kind........;)
make the most of the slick operation you're getting at the moment - they want to lay off another 20% next year. At the moment I'm working on average three wees a year for nothing - a statutury lunch break (which we don't get paid for but is factored into our working day) is 1 hour I'm lucky to get 20 minutes if its my watch on.
Just glad I'm at sea now - last time i worked in an airport i was looking for drug smugglers.
Hi china
Good to see you. Looking forward to learning about different beekeeping ideas and methods.

Can I ask, do you use a smoker to remove bees from combs when you want to harvest? Or how is it done? Is there things you want to ask us about our methods?

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