Decree for the protection of beekeeping (1919)
1. When the labour of individuals or their families is used for beekeeping, it is forbidden to limit by any rules either the number of apiaries or the number of hives. Such apiaries cannot be requisitioned or brought under any departments, but must be left in the possession of the beekeepers themselves, and therefore any claims by any organisations or persons to take over for their own use already existing working apiaries are unlawful.
2. Whatever decrees there may be limiting the quantity of honey which is to be set aside for the feeding of bees or for personal consumption are to be disregarded.
3. Taxation of beekeepers shall take place under the general direction of the finances and expenses of local councils. Beekeepers do not come under special tax laws.
4. Agricultural departments are bound to show every cooperation to all organisations and persons desiring to occupy themselves with beekeeping, and to offer every possibility to establish apiaries in the most convenient places. When an apiarist is transferred and new plots of land allocated, or when hives and equipment are moved to such places, there must not be any limitation of beekeeping.
N.B. All working beekeepers have the right to demand from the veterinary workers’ commission certificates of safe conduct and technical help.
5. Limitations of the exchange or sale of bees from apiaries is forbidden.
6. All orders and decrees of local authorities contrary to the present decree must be changed.
7. Those violating this decree will be prosecuted.
In accordance with the laws of the R.S.F.S.R.
President Sovnarkom (Signed) V. Ul’yanov [Lenin] April 1919