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House Bee
Jun 10, 2009
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Busy week as a swarm collector. 2 swarms in the week and then 3 yesterday. All this warm weather. Must say the bees were all well behaved and a pleasure to work with unlike my angry bunch at the allotment.
OK, don't rub it in. None at all here and I'm getting emails from people wanting to buy swarms (let alone a nuc). Maybe I should have collected that swarm from Bucks after all :laughing-smiley-004
OK, don't rub it in. None at all here and I'm getting emails from people wanting to buy swarms (let alone a nuc). Maybe I should have collected that swarm from Bucks after all :laughing-smiley-004

One poorley managed Allotment Beehive on TfL owned land that i was called to by the allotment committee had it appeared started off as a hive on 12 foundationless frames in single BS brood box.

it however had between 1st May to 4th June issued one prime and ten cast swarms, He had caught six but not inspected at all before they swarmed this spring, He had not been on any course as he siad he had kept Bees before in cyprus...The committe asked me was it "safe"...what do you say, err not normal beekeeping practice,

..the committe have told him to leave , i told the summer bee inspector his home address..wished i had known before iwould have put out several bait boxes
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Have collected 8 (and 3 bumble nest retrievals)- but 4 were casts so a bit of a nuisance in the scheme of things. Got 20 people waiting for bees so I dont turn any down.
I had a life before bee keeping!! :willy_nilly:
One poorley managed Allotment Beehive on TfL owned land that i was called to by the allotment committee had it appeared started off as a hive on 12 foundationless frames in single BS brood box.

it however had between 1st May to 4th June issued one prime and ten cast swarms, He had caught six but not inspected at all before they swarmed this spring, He had not been on any course as he siad he had kept Bees before in cyprus...The committe asked me was it "safe"...what do you say, err not normal beekeeping practice,

..the committe have told him to leave , i told the summer bee inspector his home address..wished i had known before iwould have put out several bait boxes

:) I dont think this is an unique, I'm aware of many new beeks who are just going it alone with no support or training.