Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

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New Bee
Jun 2, 2019
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Hive Type

I’m a brand new beekeeper and transferred my first nuc to the hive on Saturday (1st June). I also added a bucket feeder to the hive to help them out. The bees were very calm and easy to handle.

On Sunday (2nd June) mid afternoon I noticed a lot of bees flying/circling around the hive. I thought at first it might be some serious orientation flights, but when I went out to have a look the bees were very aggressive and I ran in to get my bee suit.. on closer inspection (in the safety of my suit) I noticed that there were small clumps of bees dangling from the underside of the hive. At first I thought maybe they were starting to swarm... but then I noticed that there were also a few dead bees lying around on the floor under the hive. Could this be a hive robbing? There was the odd bee coming in and out of the entrance with no problems, but not a mass of bees around the entrance as some robbing videos show.

This morning (3rd June) there were even more dead bees and two semi immobile clumps on the ground under the hive (most looked asleep/dead with a couple starting to move). This evening they are still flying around at 9pm.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be going on? And any suggestion of what to do?

What did you paint the hive with?
Possibly go back to your nuc suppliers and ask them the question?

Chons da
could be a chance it’s robbing reduce the entrance down to 1” and remove feeder. It’s the easiest option to start with.
Was there need to feed? I'm assuming by your description that you are using a contact feeder - you sure it hasn't leaked, straight through the OMF and triggered a robbing spree?
could be a chance it’s robbing reduce the entrance down to 1” and remove feeder. It’s the easiest option to start with.
Thanks I’ll try this. Will they be ok without the feeder having moved from a 5 frame nuc to a 10 frame brood box?
Was there need to feed? I'm assuming by your description that you are using a contact feeder - you sure it hasn't leaked, straight through the OMF and triggered a robbing spree?
I was told I should add the feeder, however when I moved the frames from the nuc to the hive all 5 frames were full of brood and stores. I did wonder if it was really necessary.. but went ahead anyway and added the feeder. If they have a frame or two of food stores do you think I could remove the feeder?

As you suggest it’s possible it had leaked through the hive and down to the mesh floor (hence why all the bees are under the hive!). So I’ll try removing the feeder first thing in the morning!
Thanks I’ll try this. Will they be ok without the feeder having moved from a 5 frame nuc to a 10 frame brood box?

well any supplied nuc should have enough stores to be self sustaining, nothing wrong with giving some feed to help them along though. Just in this case it may have leaked, when inverting a contact feeder compress the lid with your fingers and turn bucket. You always do this away from hive or over bucket, you need to wait till it forms a vacum before placing on hive. Also ensure lid is really snapped into position.

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