Swarm trap entrance

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user 3509

House Bee
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
Have any of you any experience of using a swarm trap entrance as advertised by a certain well known bee equipment supplier.

The Swarm Trap was developed with the hobby beekeeper in mind who finds weekly inspections to remove queen cells almost impossible.

How often have you been full of good intentions on a Friday night to inspect colonies over the weekend only to have your plans shattered by adverse weather. In these circumstances you can be sure a swarm would come out the following week, whilst at work, and would not be sitting contentedly on a low branch waiting for your return!

he swarm trap catches the queen as she leave the hive during a swarm. It has been tested over the last three seasons with 100% success.

Full instructions supplied, national size only.
how best to reply?
yes I've heard of them, yes I've seen one, and No, I've never purchased one.
just another piece of kit to sell to the unwary new bee-keeper, in my opinion.
(if they were that good, we'd all be using them)
Yes. I purchased one of these thinking what a good idea.
I followed the supplied instructions to the letter on several different colonies over the course of a couple of seasons.
It may have been my faulty use of the item but I never got it to work as intended.
It is currently sat in my shed.
Very honest answer that, thanks for the heads up.

gimmicks... the makers love them.


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