Swarm time!

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A read of post #9 and it's companion #11 should help you
better grasp the use of a QR.
As additional help?
IF the thread gets into discussing drone 'control' it could all
get philosophical, fast, and so lose Fact to emotion.
Suffice to mention (remember) two known facets of Expansion
- drone laying boosts at the peak of Expansion, and queens
will n0t usually mate with their sons.
So ask yourself then - does a QR 'trap' drones or is it in reality
the ticket to a longer Life?

Moot to myself as personal choice in light of our policy to buy in
known genetics and deny the "locals" that 'corruption' of their
Buuuut OMMV applies, and does for two local(30klm away) b'keeps.


Please answer with a simple 'Yes' or 'No':

Are drones able to leave the hive with the QR in place?
FFS - Is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?

Post 18

A QR does indeed exclude drones, another advantage when one keeps in mind

If it excludes drones it includes them as well
Perhaps eltalia considers that because drones aren’t bothered about getting into a hive ( hence the comment about them being Gypsies) maybe they aren’t bothered about getting out ;)
For anybody taking this thread seriously, think. There are no short cuts to managing your colonies swarming. Sorry.
"There are no short cuts to managing your colonies swarming. Sorry."

True... yet managing Expansion is a learnt thing, one often local or not
immediately possible in it's stages across an apiary of colony numbers.
For those situations - and many report such scenarios - the fitting of
a QR is indeed a "shortcut" in Time.


"There are no short cuts to managing your colonies swarming. Sorry."

True... yet managing Expansion is a learnt thing, one often local or not
immediately possible in it's stages across an apiary of colony numbers.
For those situations - and many report such scenarios - the fitting of
a QR is indeed a "shortcut" in Time.


But your QR still traps drones
I give up.
But your QR still traps drones
I give up.

Don't worry.
The holes in your grasp of husbandry will fill in time, many on the
earning curve struggle with ecological concepts right up until the
bees get the message home.
For now, just know there is an alternative to gnashing teeth, QC
spotting, and panic buying of queens.
Not forgetting the anguish on discovering LWS has been switched
on for your best colony - what the topics will be about in a few
weeks time here(forum).

Ok bill, so when the thousands of drones in each of my hives try to fly , how does anything else get out of the blocked exit ? They're more than capable of blocking a full size queen excluder in a week. They're drawn to light so will mass at the exit . It would need clearing daily.
Maybe it prevents swarming by just crippling the colony for however long you use it.
Ok bill, so when the thousands of drones in each of my hives try to fly , how does anything else get out of the blocked exit ? They're more than capable of blocking a full size queen excluder in a week. They're drawn to light so will mass at the exit . It would need clearing daily.
Maybe it prevents swarming by just crippling the colony for however long you use it.
Heh... you could knockup a bar, go fit it, in far less time (effort)
it takes you to dream up speculation.
Then at least you would _k n o w_.

One has to know first to know these things - as your "thousands of drones"
echoes across my desk... the cry of someone who owns no clue, on much.
... jes sayin' like.

My deah Anduril... the very first link, sad effort indeed.
Do you _k n o w_ yourself 0r is archive diving the extent of
beekeeping for you?
I shall in time check out the remainder however your #1choice
of link does n0t encourage further exploration as an urgency.

As to "insults"?
No defence is going to alter your perspective, your view being
fixated. What I will say is I reserve the right within forum rules
to address "feedback" as I see fit.
So... think about whom you are addressing before putting it out
there. Fair enuff?

/taps desk/

I want drones to come and go as they please so will stick to box management but thanks for the feedback

/nods head/
/sits down/
I want drones to come and go as they please so will stick to box management but thanks for the feedback

/nods head/
/sits down/

Yes... as I put earlier, drone 'control' can get philosphical
and so for those folk "each to their own" applies.
Akin to walking the dog versus a walking machine - the
dog gets walked, regardless.

Please explain sad effort? These are merely previous discussions on the subject. I have an open mind and have asked you before to expand on the point you are trying to make and all I am met with is you stonewalling, which is really sad. If you have the patience, then expand in greater detail. Do you have any links or research, if you do not wish to continue the discussion further, which may go into greater detail? It's either that or your first hand experience.
One has to know first to know these things - as your "thousands of drones"
echoes across my desk... the cry of someone who owns no clue, on much.
... jes sayin' like.


Just say in nothing, like usual . So you think it's not thousands of drones in my hives.? Oh dear
So you think it's not thousands of drones in my hives.? Oh dear

0k... in pain candid language there is no mistaking for something else.
No ambuguity, no gate for you to creak open, buuut plenty of room for
you to restructure, or escape into.

You my friend are tr0lling, just as your buddy tried on, regardless of
topic/view/evidence you cannot help yourself - the challenge fixates you.
As insulting to intelligence that feeble mewing is...?..I choose to ignore or
takeup whatever particular tr0ll you run, n0t you.

At the end of the day any audience will frame both our efforts.
I am quite comfortable in which mine (work) will sit.

/stables _that_ horse/

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Ahh, so in the absence of a dependable/justifiable argument, you'll throw your teddy out of the pram.
A strange attitude for one who proclaims himself an educator. What happened to your "I give you enlightenment ' spiel?
Please explain sad effort?

Simple, you've gone off running in circles looking for drone issues.
Not the topic, n0r of any consequence for the usage I have detailed.
So with some of the content of Lil John's comments excepted all of
the comments you rely on are irrelevant, some quite frankly bordering
on sheer stupidity.
A QR is a simple bar, set at 4.5mm high for the period the b'keep
chooses to use it. It is n0t a QX nor any "swarm catcher" device
as some who prefer to b'keep by numbers and coloured blocks
would seek to apply.
To use an expression I note often used around this forum?
One has to "know their onions" to make the tool work, anything
else and sure, there will be tears.

I am only too happy to detail explain _anything_ I put up, however
the questioning/critique *must* reflect a genuine "need to know".
The usual framework yourself and a couple of others here use does
n0t help beyond boosting the post count, a mission which fixates
some as being both creditable and reputable.
It ain't.... least n0t in this black duck's b00k.

You are fixated on the negative, sadly. Your QR is more related to timing not drones. The forum is a platform to exchange ideas, not hide information.