Swarm Collectors List

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I too enjoyed my time on the swarm list last year and intend to try and be on it this year. Much has been said of whether or not you will need a 'basic' to be on it. Some more clarification along the lines of susbees comments above would be helpful.
Not everyone wants to get a qualification as part of their enjoyment of this craft. For myself, I have found the experience of swarm collection a very rewarding one. We are all ambassadors of this ancient craft, and meeting interested people and spreading the word of what we do when collecting a swarm is surely what the BBKA. is trying to promote. This measure therefore does seem against the tide and counter productive.
Rockdoc, it's simple, the secretaries of the 66 (I think) BKAs affiliated to the BBKA received a return, a current listing for their BKA and an explanatory letter. I have no intention of copying it to the forum.

There is no mention of qualifications of any sort, just a wish to offer a National service to the public that works.
I reckon that it is easier to tell a member of your local BKA that you won't be putting forward their name on the National list 'because they haven't got the Basic', than because you think they are are proper rubbish beekeeper and swarm collector.

Possibly the Basic thing is just what some people are using to spare the blushes of others.
I reckon that it is easier to tell a member of your local BKA that you won't be putting forward their name on the National list 'because they haven't got the Basic', than because you think they are are proper rubbish beekeeper and swarm collector.

Possibly the Basic thing is just what some people are using to spare the blushes of others.


BUT on the other hand the probability is there are a few who have all the qualifications the BBKA can dream up.... and are still rubbish beekeeperers and swarm collectors !

:)mad: Have met a few of that ilk in scuba-diving.... I expect the same goes for any organisation that is badge lead!:mad:)

BUT on the other hand the probability is there are a few who have all the qualifications the BBKA can dream up.... and are still rubbish beekeeperers and swarm collectors !

:)mad: Have met a few of that ilk in scuba-diving.... I expect the same goes for any organisation that is badge lead!:mad:)

wassup icanhopit? aren't you on the local list?

tony, (swarm coordinator for south norfolk)
But some people collect qualifications and never get "hands on experience" Tony

Some people don't take exams but have lots of experience in handling bees.
But some people collect qualifications and never get "hands on experience" Tony

Some people don't take exams but have lots of experience in handling bees.

as this is being run by the local associations, it seems reasonable for them to choose collectors of swarms who they know can actually deal with a swarm. I don't recall our association stipulating the 'basic' as a qualification for collecting swarms.

loads of folk who have never even handled bees want to go on the list, I always say to them, "go out with an experienced collector and see what's involved, before collecting on your own"

some newbies think it's a way to get cheap bees, and have no experience of swarm collecting, or bees at all?

when I get calls from the police, should I send a person with yrs of practice, or someone with zilch experience?
I'd send the experienced one, regardless of how many certificates s/he had.
Interesting that the BBKA normally gets a real hammering on this forum, but people on here seem to think its ok that it can stop people from going on the swarm collecting list.

I am a member of my local BKA and although i have requested going on their swarm collection list (having also collected with senior members) im not being allowed to. How am i sposed to get the experiance that those at the top want me to have to go on the list if i cant get the oppertunity to collect them. This really isnt on it smacks of look after the old guard, keep the oiks in their place.
wassup icanhopit? aren't you on the local list?

tony, (swarm coordinator for south norfolk)

Not the case at all... just surprising to me that one association ( of which incidentally I am a member) .... that many do not wish to belong to... can dominate over all others, even common sence!

I suppose it is a lifelong hatred of elitism combined with a socialist upbringing and a belief in true democracy... not my fault my Grandparents were associates of Mr Bevan !
I'm on the BBKA list and have never had a call :(
some great pictures of me chasing my bees up St Bees main street :)
I would love to go out swarm collecting with somebody but it seems experience is hard to come by so for newbees I guess its contact councils and try and gain experience that way?
this issue over swarm collecting lists is a local one, apparently.
the govt ( local councils acting on their behalf) have probably ordered all local councils to arrange this cover.
If I was a council officer, charged with doing this, I'd probably contact the local BKA, and leave them to sort it out ( job done)
after that, it's down to local BKA's to organise the collection of swarms, which they do ( job done)

if your local BKA isn't sharing out the collections, it's down to the members of the local BKA to sort it out, probably via proposing a motion at their AGM. ( you'd have to join the local BKA to do this, though)

arguing the toss about the situation on a forum (that has nothing to do with the BBKA, or your local council) is hardly likely to solve the various issues revealed in this thread.

It seems the system works well in parts of the country, but not all?
this issue over swarm collecting lists is a local one, apparently.
the govt ( local councils acting on their behalf) have probably ordered all local councils to arrange this cover.
If I was a council officer, charged with doing this, I'd probably contact the local BKA, and leave them to sort it out ( job done)
after that, it's down to local BKA's to organise the collection of swarms, which they do ( job done)

if your local BKA isn't sharing out the collections, it's down to the members of the local BKA to sort it out, probably via proposing a motion at their AGM. ( you'd have to join the local BKA to do this, though)

arguing the toss about the situation on a forum (that has nothing to do with the BBKA, or your local council) is hardly likely to solve the various issues revealed in this thread.

It seems the system works well in parts of the country, but not all?

IS IT A LOTTERY.... with a privileged few being able to buy tickets?
I would love to go out swarm collecting with somebody but it seems experience is hard to come by so for newbees I guess its contact councils and try and gain experience that way?

have you joined your local BKA?
and then attended a few meetings?
you'd usually get to meet a few local swarm collectors who would probably only be too pleased to share their knowledge and experience with you.

councils usually won't take names from individuals, only associations, as that way they know the beekeeper is covered by Public Liability Insurance whan collecting swarms
IS IT A LOTTERY.... with a privileged few being able to buy tickets?

not round here it isn't.
if I have a call r.e. a swarm, I first look through the list of folk who are nearest geographically, and call one of them, if they aren't able, I then look through the members year book for a local beekeeper.
if you ain't a member, I won't have your contact details.