Swarm collection kit

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Drone Bee
Aug 16, 2010
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So, I'm thinking ahead, I've got my skep, a cardboard box, a sheet, string, rope, secateurs, small step ladder, smoker etc. Is there anything else I've forgotten to put in my swarm collection kit?
So, I'm thinking ahead, I've got my skep, a cardboard box, a sheet, string, rope, secateurs, small step ladder, smoker etc. Is there anything else I've forgotten to put in my swarm collection kit?

Beesuit + gloves !!

Seriously though, having attended to quite a few swarms last year a small collapsible ladder came in very handy, especially when the swarm is described as just above head height and turns out to be 15-20 ft up the tree!
Oh and a bottle of water, hot+thirsty work catching swarms!
Yes, I'm assuming beesuit and gloves is a given (although I've got halfway to a swarm without them on a few occasions!)

No matter how big a ladder you take it's never big enough. The attached photo is of my father-in-law trying to retrieve one of his swarm's france!
Yup swarm fever makes the sanest do the silly thing, that later, nursing the broken leg/ neck makes for serious regrets.

Said by one who once perched on top of an unsecured ladder on top of a forty foot scaffold... had a good think later and gave the scaffold away.

It wouldn't win, but that pic would probably get a 'highly commended' in the Darwin awards! Frankly if it's more than a step ladder I will bid good luck and farewells. Being pragmatic, putting yourself in hospital for a swarm and / or the assitance of a complete stranger simply doesn't make sense.

The job you won't be able to do while you are in hospital (if you get that far) does after all pay for the hobby!
I totally agree - you will note that I am a good 20 yards away holding a camera rather than holding the ladder!
The ladder I use at home is about 3ft tall - that's my limit!
A square piece of plywood slighly bigger than the skep. Place this on the sheet then the skep on top. When you move them you have a solid "floor" to your skep.
Remember that bees like to cluster and will sometimes not be content if they are spread over the interior of a skep. A dangley-down bit of leather or something will allow them to cluster inside a skep. Many beeks collecting swarms overlook the desire of bees to cluster.
Mobile phone and telephone number of " The beek who knows"
Frankly if you need to resort to "Phone a friend" should you really be out doing it in the first place?

Don't worry - I'm well acquainted with swarm collection. But it is handy to have the phone number of another beekeeper to hand if you need some unexpected assistance.
Frankly if you need to resort to "Phone a friend" should you really be out doing it in the first place?


Only a fool knows everything. A wise man knows how little he knows
I also agree with the phone bit,phone another beekeeper,and tell them there is a swarm if they want it. My local bee inspector and i used to play this game often..
I dont use ladders at last part of my job will help with those hard to reach swarms lol

Blimmey Veg, never had you down as Chairman of the extreme crochet club! If thats work then I hate to think what you get up to at weekends for a thrill :)

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