Swam has arrived, but they don't want to enter the hive...?

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Woops!! can still view their website though and see where to go. Must get sublimation too and get it done soonest. Before the hornets get them? ;)
Absolutely - links to UK stuff is still super helpful whe you know little to nothing! What is sublimination...?!
when measuring the size of the box the bees will stop at the obstructions eg frames. filled frames etc so your 40l can be considerably smaller than 40l in the bees calcs,... they dont go round and add the extra bits together
True - however, only the outside frames had full foundation stripts, the inner 3, 1/3 height. And under the frames the next 18cm is free open space. So it's much more space than many I see on YouTube which seem to work well, albeit always with old comb too (of which I have none...:().

What size traps do you use and can you post a picture of them? It would be interesting to see.
I don't particularly set out bait hives,... but have seen bees taking over standard National boxes which happened to have been left out waiting to be taken down to the store ... set up with floor and roof,....
when measuring the size of the box the bees will stop at the obstructions eg frames. filled frames etc so your 40l can be considerably smaller than 40l in the bees calcs,... they dont go round and add the extra bits together
I must remember to tell that to the swarm that took up residence in a national hive that was fully populated with frames of foundation. Theories are all very well until they meet reality.
when measuring the size of the box the bees will stop at the obstructions eg frames. filled frames etc so your 40l can be considerably smaller than 40l in the bees calcs,
Really? can't recall any studies stating that, maybe you can point us in the right direction?
I think Tom Seeley said the bees fly across the space but considering they take up home in narrow spaces like between chimney stacks and linings it probably doesn’t matter what sort of box you offer.
Absolutely - links to UK stuff is still super helpful whe you know little to nothing! What is sublimination...?!
Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state. More correct in the case of oxalic acid chemical than mere 'evaporation'.
I think Tom Seeley said the bees fly across the space but considering they take up home in narrow spaces like between chimney stacks and linings it probably doesn’t matter what sort of box you offer.
Also Tom never tried anything but empty boxes, I think he was more interested in the whole selection/decision process rather than how they measured different spaces.
One of the wild colonies I knew of/watched was in a space behind a gravestone set into the old chapel wall, so there isn't a large void behind, just gaps in loosely placed rubble, the colony (or successive colonies) lived happily there for years. The only reason there isn't one there now is that I blocked all the entrance holes after the last colony died out due to concerns over safety with all the visitors we have researching their family tree who invariably would get really close to the spot due to the layout.

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