sugar syrup ratio

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2 kilos sugar to 1 kilo/litre water (67%) is a fraction more than will stay dissolved at room temperature.
No great problem with a power mixer and a disregard of the odd undissolved crystal ... but a real pain in a contact feeder.

I find that as long as I heat the water and make sure that the sugar is all dissolved the 2kg/1L ratio works well for me and does not settle out.

Also, it is strong enough to stop the dreaded black mould (Cladosporium) from fouling up all the feeders. Saves all that mucking around with bleach and thymol.
Ahhhhh is that what the mould is called. Thankyou.
Mucking about with thymol is good for the bees though.
I find that as long as I heat the water and make sure that the sugar is all dissolved the 2kg/1L ratio works well for me and does not settle out.

Please have a look at

Stick in some likely temperatures to be encountered overnight in your feeder.
2kg + 1 litre (=Kg) of water is 66.66 (recurring) %.

At 60C (hot water) it will hold 75% (so 66% dissolves quickly)
But at 10C water will only carry 65% sucrose, so 66% will try to crystallise out of solution ... or no matter how long you stir it at 10C, it won't all dissolve.

Of course, if you are measuring the sugar and water to an accuracy of only ±5%, your results will be variable!

The thing is that metric 2:1 is right on the limit of what can dissolve.
If you are trying to make it as strong as it can possibly go, then that is your target. And some people would even add excess and strain it off later - or simply not be bothered by the (wasted) crystallisation in the feeder.

What effect a saturated solution might have on the bees, I don't know - but its not a situation they would encounter "in the wild" - its unnatural, and I can't see that it would have any benefits. Any evaporation before inversion (which is a non-instant process) is going to lead to crystallisation on the bees, which I can't see as being ideally helpful --- unless you were expecting granulated stores and were trying to get there as quickly as possible! .

The difference between 66% (metric 2:1) and 62% (imperial 2:1) isn't huge, but - with accurate measurement - it does take you over the edge and into recrystallisation territory.
Reminds me of those French moovies we watched in the Tollopandy Methodists hall on a Saturday night.... waiting for something "naughty" to happen... it never did... then it was hot Cocoa and......



Which has reminded me of the BBC's


Which was usually a continuous tape of someone working on a potter's wheel, or one of those kiddies prism-crystal thingies rotating on the end of a camera lense - often for _h_o_u_r_s_ at a time as live tv quite often didn't have enough material for continuous broadcasting.

Which has reminded me of the BBC's


Which was usually a continuous tape of someone working on a potter's wheel, or one of those kiddies prism-crystal thingies rotating on the end of a camera lense - often for _h_o_u_r_s_ at a time as live tv quite often didn't have enough material for continuous broadcasting.


Recollections of happier times when kids could play outside, vandals were an ancient tribe and doors didn't need locking when you went out?
405 line VHF BBC television Broadcasting intellectual stuff like Muffin the Mule..... well I was only 3!

Sugar was on my mind tho... well my big sisters... as sugar rationing was about to end... perhaps that is why Grandad kept bees?
Recollections of happier times when kids could play outside, vandals were an ancient tribe and doors didn't need locking when you went out?

How old are you ? :D
There have always been vandals .
I was born in 1937 and well remember " trespass and malicious damage will be prosecuted " notices on farm gates allotments etc.
I have a feeling that my apiary of 25 years standing ,wouldn't have lasted for 25 minutes back then , before iPads, tablets , iPhones , iPods, computers games wi's x boxes and all the other paraphernalia need to keep little Johnny safe indoors were deployed as a replacement for proper parenting !
Which has reminded me of the BBC's


Which was usually a continuous tape of someone working on a potter's wheel, or one of those kiddies prism-crystal thingies rotating on the end of a camera lense - often for _h_o_u_r_s_ at a time as live tv quite often didn't have enough material for continuous broadcasting.


Tape? Tape??

I know tape is now utterly passé, but back then it was far in the unimagined sci-fi future!

Think instead of a film loop.
Tape? Tape??

I know tape is now utterly passé, but back then it was far in the unimagined sci-fi future!

Think instead of a film loop.

120 volt 60 Hz Telle Cine 35mm ..... Panasonic or was it Phillips.... began with P anyway.
BBC probably still has it in a dusty cupboard somewhere in Bush House!:icon_204-2:

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