Curly green fingers
Why? absolutely no need, putting annual undue stress on the bees for no reason, you will be following the foolish mantra chanted by the dark side and shook swarming annually to totally stress out and bugger up your colonies
But it is - what you are trying to do is squeeze a queen that is happily laying over two boxes back into one at a time of year when the colony is rapidly expanding and demanding more space - surefire way of triggering premature swarming.
OK I get what your saying Jenkins point taken no need annually what would you recommend/Advise then ?. Its all well an good leaving comb for 3+ years what about comb hygiene.? Some people on here give good advice with out sounding like there having a dig all the time .

Blunt answers are no good to no one . where as an explanation why your advising such things goes a long way.
Cheers mark.
Poly you have helped me over the winter no end and I thankyou for that.