Strimming around the hives

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Most of my hives are pretty docile apart from when the strimmer comes out. I didn’t bother with my foam strips early on Sunday morning and they all went berserk! Lesson learned, I will now do it in the evenings and the strips will be back in till I am finished the job.
Better to be safe than sorry, mowing or strumming in a bee suite in warm weather in the day sounds like a recipe for disaster.
One getting hot ( I suppose you could just use a vail)
Two your vision isn’t good and movement either in a full suite.
Plus your always going to be aware of the bees are around and they could be flying around you which sounds like a health and safety issue.
I guess it depends on how the hives are placed to some extent, but I do agree with Curly. If the hives are closer to the action it might be more of an issue. My hive stands are pallets and so the hives are closer to the noise and vibration. Just once I've had them come out en masse swinging, and not asking any questions. I haven't cut around mine for at least six months because it didn't rain and then the hoppies became desperate. They will take the grass away right up to the entrance, save for a cute arc around where the guard bees hang out. Sheep will clear up to the entrance like that too, with the hives on pallets. Any flicking of the lines of the trimmer on the box itself with bring them out of course.
I have a few expatriate English friends here, and "strimmer" is perhaps a peculiarly British word? I was a bit amused when I first heard it, but it makes perfect sense.
They are called "line trimmers" or "brush cutters" here :eek: .
Better to be safe than sorry, mowing or strumming in a bee suite in warm weather
Just once I've had them come out en masse swinging, and not asking any questions.

Now we have Glen Miller on the guitar in the apiary!! I won't be able to move in the apiary or do the inspections done when the entire orchestra turns up and plays "Flight of the bumble bee". Guest appearance by Arthur Askey too...............

For our younger readers
Wow Neil!
Had you been touching the plug with your hands by any chance, prior to starting the work?
Not really, they just seamed to want to attack te rubber cover. I assume it was the electrical pulses that attracted them.
That's Gary R on the drum kit, ( second from the left) , so you've got a drummer. Jenkins on vocals, and I can see the Poot there on the bass.
We need backing singers to drowned emyr out, so perhaps @Erichalfbee & @pargyle could be the backing singers - what about a piano player?
Also where do you fit in mate @Antipodes perhaps the didgeridoo 😂😂😂
That's Gary R on the drum kit, ( second from the left) , so you've got a drummer. Jenkins on vocals, and I can see the Poot there on the bass.
As a drummer I have been redundant for years, Thought that drumming went out when skeps were the order of the day only to be superseded by movable frame hives. Perhaps I could revive the skill. As a matter of interest I couldn't carry a song in a bucket never mind in my head!!