Storing wet frames & half filled supers

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Nov 24, 2015
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How do you guys deal with extracted frames late in Summer that you don't put back onto the hive? Also, do you remove half filled supers to reduce hive space in September and if you do how do you store them please?
I give all extracted frames back to bees to clean up and nadir any half filled supers.
Nadiring is placing the super under the brood box.
Don't bother giving supers back for the bees 'to clean' I just store them wet, you can either seal them in plastic bags if you have just a few, or, seal them top and bottom with a blank board then cinch them up tight with a couple of hive straps - store them outside but covered from the rain. 'Wet' frames (whether brood or honey) discourages wax moth, the cold kills them.
If you nadir a part filled super, or one with unripe honey, the bees will move it up above the brood for winter stores. As the queen starts laying high up in spring, that means the box will be brood free when you go to remove it.
It also gives the bees a bit of extra space to move down into when you autumn feed.
Thanks guys - this is the first year I'll have this to do.
Just don't know where they're finding the nectar!

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