To whet your appetite we will have cedar hive parts in economy grade timber and frames in lower grade timber all at less than half normal first quality retail price.
The items below are some of what we have on offer.
National super - £12.00 National Roof £16.00
National Open Mesh Floor £12.00 National Brood £15.00
National Crownboard £7.00
50 DN1/SN1 frames £24.00 50 DN4/SN4 frames £27.00
50 14" x 12" frames £40.00 50 BS Manley frames £35.00
100 Narrow Plastic Ends 3.00 Bee Brush 2.50
Dummy Board, BS Deep 3.50 Frame Feeder 7.50
Economy Hive Strap 1.50 Natural Plastic Excluder 2.50
Ratchet Hive Strap 3.00 Beekeepers Perch 1.00
Frame Nail Hammer 2.00 Secateurs 1.50
Standard Hive Tool 2.00 Heavy Duty Hive Tool & FL 5.00
American Style Hive Tool 5.00 17” square wire excluder grid 2.50
Frame Cleaner 1.50 Frame Grip 5.00
Stainless Smoker 12.50 Liquid Bee Smoke 1.00
Swarm Lure, pair 3.50 Corner supports, set of 4 50p
Porter Bee Escape 50p Uncapping Fork 2.50
Uncapping Knife 5.00 Open Mesh Helmet 7.00
Occasional Jacket 5.00 Hat and Veil 3.00
Jacket and Veil/Hood 20.00 100 Plastic Mini Pots 3.00
Conical Tap Strainer, S/S 10.00 Nylon Valve, 1.5” 5.00
Stainless Valve 25.00 1000 Tamper Labels 10.00
Rect 8oz Comb Cutter 10.00 50 ‘4C’ 7.00
Mini Strainer 30.00 Pollen Trap 5.00
Plastic Queen Catcher 2.50 Telescopic Queen Cage 50p
Clip Catcher 2.50 Marking Cage with Plunger 2.50
Rapid Feeder 3.50 1gal Bucket Feeder 3.50
1/2gal Bucket Feeder 2.00 20 Honey Servers 5.00
If you would like to reserve and collect an order at the Convention, please let us know very quickly! This is for our normal stock items only - bargains cannot be reserved.
Our marquee outside the hall will be ready to convert or straight swap your beeswax for top quality foundation. You can pre-order foundation for this - and please do this if you need a large quantity.
Hope to see you there.
Gill Smith
E.H. Thorne (Beehives) Ltd
Hope this helps you...