Spring swarm avoidance plans

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Trouble with that plan is that autumns and winters have changed dramatically since that convention was established
still works here, I think the biggest issue nowadays is that people feel compelled to fiddle and just convince themselves that feeding is needed.
I know a bf who will use a CB in much the same way as the news paper, but I'm told it only really works when there is good income and it only gives you a few days grace.
@ericbeaumont was the beek if I remember that put the idea forward about using newspaper.

To the poster : If your stacking super ontop of super with news paper straight away you won't get full supers and it just won't help the bc and prevent swarming at all, imo a lazy and not very proactive method at all.

Im not saying that just one super with news paper won't work though maybe Eric will let us know interesting idea.
Hi Mark, as you probably guessed, I was being slightly tongue in cheek and with only half a dozen hives any excuse to take the roof off, in this case to add a super, gives me an excuse to have a wee peek inside ( I hope this not construed as fiddling ! )
still works here
Yes, but variably everywhere.

Stephen is in West London and those extra few degrees can keep bees brooding late. I recall meeting a beekeeper a couple of years ago who had fed up to winter weight in September and was shocked to have to do it again in late October.
There used to be a chap here who used to put four supers on in March and not bother inspecting till there were bees in the top super. He was spotted at the WBKA convention one year touring his method if I remember. can't recall his name. JBM and Swarm will know....Kevin something?
If only it worked
Hi Mark, as you probably guessed, I was being slightly tongue in cheek and with only half a dozen hives any excuse to take the roof off, in this case to add a super, gives me an excuse to have a wee peek inside ( I hope this not construed as fiddling ! )
I got ya dave (y)