New Bee
I have a super on which I am using mainly to feed the bees in, I have a small hole the crown board that allows a few bees thru into the super at a time. I have two frames in there which the bees have still not taken down and today i went into fill their feeder and saw they have started to build one of the frames with fresh wax on the outside and also started to build comb from the floor up right next to the entrance hole. Currently the bees are very active still bringing in loads of pollen and taking 2/1 sugar water down.
What's best to do in this situation ? Obviously it's not ideal but would I be OK to leave them to it as they seem to determined to be up there and can't possibly build much more before slowing for winter. I could then leave the super on for winter as the hive will be well insulated above this. This way might they access and use these stores above first and take them down when needed? Or is there a better solution. Thanks
What's best to do in this situation ? Obviously it's not ideal but would I be OK to leave them to it as they seem to determined to be up there and can't possibly build much more before slowing for winter. I could then leave the super on for winter as the hive will be well insulated above this. This way might they access and use these stores above first and take them down when needed? Or is there a better solution. Thanks