Smokey super frames

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House Bee
Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Northern ireland
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So when taking of supers tonight i gave the super a quick puff of smoke to deal with the last few stragglers.

When i opened the box of frames in the kitchen there was a faint smell of smoke. Will this affect the honey at all and is there any way of getting rid of it?

I am optimistic when the cappings are off that it will be gone. I have left the lid off to see if the smell goes away

In fairness if it was a quick puff you should be fine just avoid blasting them with the smoker and and smokey particles blown onto the comb
Often come across honey with smokey taste and smell on the showbench (I have menioned the taste and smell of thymol in honey in previous posts). Honey is a quality food and should not be contaminated with "foreign" odours. Hope the risk of cancer from carcinogens in the smoke is low as in a season show judges taste an awful lot of honey. Best to avoid using smoker with regard to supers IMHO
When i spun it out there is no taste of it at all. I even got a neigbour and wife to try it as well.
Definitely think water is the way forward next year or better to avoid it all if possible

Nothing wrong with smoke why do you think beeks all over the world use it and yes I do have a water mist bottle in my kit. Just use the smoker with restraint.
. Hope the risk of cancer from carcinogens in the smoke is low as in a season show judges taste an awful lot of honey.

The toast you had for breakfast is probably a bigger threat.

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