Slugs in Nucs

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I had a dozen or more slugs in a poly nuc yesterday, but none in the hive (cedar).

Do they prefer poly to wood?

I’m assuming they do, as the nuc has a smaller entrance than the hive. It would probably be easier to gain entry to the hive than the nuc.

PS. Didn’t want to use pellets, so put salt around legs of stand. Tried copper tape before, with little success.
We're talking here about a man (Hugh F-W) who has eaten both human placenta and woodlice (though not at the same time as far as I'm aware). If he says slugs are disgusting, I'm quite prepared to believe him :)

Or you could try Heston Bloominghells snail porridge…
Yes, yuck! I had a small problem with the little ******* last year and tied strips of tree grease bands around the legs of my stands (luckily I only have two hives); I haven't had any trouble since and the bees didn't have any trouble with them.
So the tree grease bands work?
I'd read the copper tape isn't wide enough to cause slugs a problem, so in my greenhouse put the copper mesh you get on a roll to bung into holes to keep vermin out so you get a maybe 100mm wide strip.
But the slugs just cruise straight over the top of it :(
Scissors work well though :)