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Dave /Oscroft

House Bee
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Oscroft Cheshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
9 at present
Ive just warmed through a batch of, assumed to be rape honey, on the top is a thick layer of white scum. What can be done with it ? it tastes ok but mrs thinks it looks a bit wierd !

dave W
This was covered in a recent post.

My contribution was to pass on the tip of carefully putting cling film on the top and gently lifting it off. Most of the 'scum' comes off with it.

On the other hand, others said this tastes really good!

I'm sure wiser opinions will be along in a while.

The Other post was mine
The upshot was that it' a mixture of honey, air bubbles and fine (smaller than the filter mesh) particles of wax. I tried using cling film, but resorted to skimming it off with a spoon. I dint like the gritty texture, so added it to the stuff I feed back to the bees.
Yup, we cover with clingfilm when it goes in the bucket: reduces air being sucked in when buckets not quite full and whips off the white foam before bottling.
its lovely honey eat it, reminds me of a good head on a pint of ale

Thanks guys, all iv'e got to do now is convince that lady who must be obeyed at all costs! but i'll give it a go.

Dave W
jar up the 'foam', warm it up until it clears. allow to cool and it will remain clear with a very thin wax layer on top (which can be removed easily)