Sinister !

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BrianO no problem, apology accepted.

I get you were looking for somewhere to vent and get solidarity, alternative views don't help when your angry.

My apologies to if I seemed to be trying to provoke, that wasn't my intention.

If it's any consolation, the idea of sharing an apiary with strangers, makes my skin crawl.

And the thought of anybody tampering with my bees would make me mad too.

But I still really want to know what it was about... There must be some logic behind it, I mean.. Thieves don't leave notes?!
No none has suggested that it is the bees themselves trying to tell you something! :laughing-smiley-004
Had a beek poking their head in my hives at an out-apiary site that is secured with armed guards (seriously).
Bloody annoying, and although the site owners told me it had happened, they wouldn't tell me who it was other than to say it was a well respected local beekeeper who wanted to check the type of bee being kept onsite!
Maybe they know that if I found out who it was I would not be pleased to say the least!

That's bang out of order. If I was the owner, I wouldn't have allowed them to do that without your permission. After all, it's your property and if he wasn't an inspector, he had business poking around.
if they were my bees i would take there floor away and set them on a eke for a week or too with an entrance cut in it (a floor with no floor sort of thing),that way if they did try to steel them they might get a good seeing too when lifting them.

Had a beek poking their head in my hives at an out-apiary site that is secured with armed guards (seriously).
Bloody annoying, and although the site owners told me it had happened, they wouldn't tell me who it was other than to say it was a well respected local beekeeper who wanted to check the type of bee being kept onsite!
Maybe they know that if I found out who it was I would not be pleased to say the least!

Wrong way to go about things, but it sounds to me as though a serious beekeeper might have been looking for a (relatively) isolated mating apiary site, and wanted to check out the local (Drone) competition.

More normal than leaving hidden messages in Polish ...
Wrong way to go about things, but it sounds to me as though a serious beekeeper might have been looking for a (relatively) isolated mating apiary site, and wanted to check out the local (Drone) competition.

More normal than leaving hidden messages in Polish ...

The apiary site is a military base, one of several I have had to really jump through hoops to get, had to apply for licenses and pay a ridiculous amount for each year, so don't want to lose it. If the site wasn't so good I would have removed the bees....and yes it is relatively isolated as well and produces some cracking buckie queens for me.

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