When inspecting, some frames are absolutely covered with bees. Huge numbers. So much that I can see nothing else. So I’ve had to shake bees off frames, into the hive to get a better look.
It is a decision made "on the fly" as with time in practice a mere scanning
action of a few seconds is ample to determine colony health.
When deciding to shake layering off it is a quick flick of the wrists as the
turned frame becomes vertical - held by the ears. Anything else in clearing
frames requires time, so only done when absolutely necessary.
Both brush and bird's wing are more of a slow sweep moreso than brushing
off as in brushing cloth, and best done with the frame sitting on end over the
surface swept onto.
Blowing bees off either mechanicly or by mouth is not advisable.
The first has whole of colony impact, the second subjects bees to CO2
levels they are going to react to - someone will be getting stung.
Often it simply takes a little smoke followed by a sweep to remove stragglers
and job is done.
My question is - if I shook the bees off a frame, and the Queen was on that frame, would it do her any harm being shaken off into the hive?
If queen spotting it helps to have a queen excluder over the box.
PS. I actually think the bees are preparing to swarm due to the huge numbers, even though I’ve added another brood box to give them space. Discovered 2 Q cups with eggs, so will monitor.
Numbers aside - we run our colonys at CM (critical mass) during the
season, bees cascading over the sides of the box on inspections - it is more
helpfull for beginners to adhere to a single adage "control the queen
to then control the bees". This as it is the bees who determine a swarm
issue in choosing to reproduce/replicate the colony.
A simplest and most positive first step is to add a queen restrictor (QR) to
the entrance. This denial of queen flying sends bees the message swarming
is not possible, resulting in none of the usual signs appearing. Exceptions
occur, sure... but the final outcome is always the same - no queen flying
equals no swarm issue from that colony.
Attached is a retail example of such a device.