selling up

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House Bee
Mar 31, 2012
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Due to bullying from the neighbours I have decided to sell up.

All new Thor*es stuff in 14 X 12 western red.

I tried to post an add in the For sale/wanted section but it is not there, do you need prior permission to post in that section?
no you should get a message saying your post will be checked by a moderator before being posted for general display...........
saves the forum getting spamed with for sale ads.
Sorry to hear you have to give up, guess an out apiary is not forthcoming eh ?
Prices would help you shift your hives.
Pete D
An out apiary is not too difficult to find, just needs some perseverance.

I have had bees at the house once and that ended in disaster, so have over 20 odd years of out apiaries.

Good luck

Twitter reaches a surprising number and mostly local at that :)
Try local farmers to site an out apiary -some welcome bees for obvious pollination reasons. Rental Payment is usually coined in a few jars of Honey.
Also try local allotment sites in your locality -again a mutual benefit, but ensure you are a BBKA member with indemnity cover.
Hi Pete,

They cost me over 400 each without the bees as they are the top of the range with gabled roof, sloping hive stand, poly crown board, super, 14 x 12 body, manley/hoffman frames. I was goping to het 380 each as the colonies are really good

Hi wellabee and others,

I have tried to source an out apiary, without success.

It can take a bit of time, so to buy some is there no where your local assoc could find for you to sit them for a month or so?

Come on David- don't let one poxy neighbour stop you bee keeping. :svengo:

Ring your local Assoc and see if they have space at an out apiary where you can keep a hive. Or they will suggest somewhere else....
I get people asking me if I know of a bee keeper who will keep a hive on their land- same will be happening in your area.
Does you local assciation have an apiary you can put them in for now. You will need to cold call on the local farmers, land owners, etc even large houses, anywhere that has a little bit of land that you can use. Keep at it. And very good luck.
My association keeps a list of people who want to host hives but don't want the hassle of keeping bees....the traditional rent is one jar of honey per hive per year. And I know of hives locally on farmland, National Trust proerties and even the roof of a shopping centre. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
Find an apiary and leave an empty hive behind just to annoy them even more, and call them to have a look at the empty hive where the bees came from that sung them
My association keeps a list of people who want to host hives but don't want the hassle of keeping bees....the traditional rent is one jar of honey per hive per year. And I know of hives locally on farmland, National Trust proerties and even the roof of a shopping centre. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

PM sent
Come on David- don't let one poxy neighbour stop you bee keeping. :svengo:

Ring your local Assoc and see if they have space at an out apiary where you can keep a hive. Or they will suggest somewhere else....
I get people asking me if I know of a bee keeper who will keep a hive on their land- same will be happening in your area.

:iagree: If you are a member of your local BKA there is bound to be someone who can help you out on a temporary basis while you find another site.
bullying from the neighbours

so what can they do?

if they're that kind of people they wont improve any if you do get rid of your bees.
Thanks for all your support, my garden is very small and they do have young kids that are scared. It is entirely the parents fault, I doubt their kids would have even known about them if the parents had not made such a fuss.

But it is not over for me, I will find a suitable site one day, I will keep looking.

Kids are usually very interest but as you say its no doubt the parents being over protective.
I can picture them running around waving their arms and locking themselves in the house.