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Oct 4, 2010
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Mourne mountains
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fancy having a go at some sections next year in a few of my hives, never done them before and know very little about them.
whats the difference in english and irish sections?
any help or tips would be great, or are they even worth the bother??
It is better to use wireless foundation, cut the sections and use the scraps for chunk honey. I have found that bees don't like filling sections or drawing them out unless you make them!
I did them one year and it was 100% worthwhile as gifts - even people who don't like honey enjoy being given a neat packaged piece of honeycomb but not a commercial success.
- don't know Irish from English but I used the shallow super and section holders as supplied by 'Thrones' It was necessary to move them around within the super so they filled-up uniformly.
give them a try!
The colony for drawing a rack of English basswood sections needs to be strong and a good flow on, it is better to put two or three hanging section holders in a super, with some drawn combs, and dividers on the face of the sections...they usually draw and fill these really well, much more so than a full rack.
Tom C from Armagh and Monaghan BKA always does basswood sections and still does. Lyndon may hook you up if you don't know him. I was thinking I would like to try it myself, looking for plans to make a crate or two.
Darren, have you tried straightforward Cut Comb?
Much simpler, less expensive to experiment, and the bees are much happier to co-operate ...
Might be the thing for your Heather?
Darren, have you tried straightforward Cut Comb?
Much simpler, less expensive to experiment, and the bees are much happier to co-operate ...
Might be the thing for your Heather?

hey thanks and most of my honey is cut comb as i haven't got round till buying an extractor yet, the cut comb is pretty handy and i was just wondering would the sections be even handier with no cutting or anything.
If you get lots of swarms its a good use of them to crowd them into a shallow with sections above an excluder. I use ross rounds successfully this way, but wouldnt bother if I didnt need a quick solution as to where to plonk swarms. Certainly, trying to get a normal production colony to fill sections usually means you force them to swarm and/or end up with far less honey than if you'd let them fill normal supers, or you get tremendous waste with part filled sections.
fancy having a go at some sections next year in a few of my hives, never done them before and know very little about them.
whats the difference in english and irish sections?
any help or tips would be great, or are they even worth the bother??
I remember something like "one-way split vs. three-way split"...?

Stephen - pass the plans in my direction please... keep meaning to borrow a rack from Tom but never quite got around to it.

Have made up a couple of hanging section racks but as yet they are unused. Plan to drop them into supers of drawn comb next year - all being well....

Darren - do you want Tom's number to have a chat with him? I'd recommend Cushman's web site for some tips on sections.

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