Rwc 2015

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Oh well.
Sad to say, we don't have the strength at the line. North needs a slap, he should have just dived, though Falletau's knock on was more of a try than South Africas last against USA.
Oh, lol, someone tell me what's happened with Cuthbert? Looks like the boy has clean forgotten how to play rugby.

Scotland v Samoa
Hmm, did Laidlaw knock that on before he picked up and went over? All the replays were from Samoas side, so not able to see the fumble.
Inconsistent refereeing.
Constant offences by kiwis and wallabies ignored and penalty tries awarded for next to nothing in other games.
Had a great day yesterday at Twickenham despite the result; should have gone for the points when the try wasn't coming and the lack of creativity in the make shift back line also showed. Had quite good seats and a fantastic atmosphere. Yet another injury; I think something something needs to change in the laws to stop the sheer physical punishment the players are taking. Think about the injuries occurring in so many games.
Anyway still think we will stand a fair chance against the Boks.
Wales v South Africa

What a great game!

Wales should be very proud of themselves. They played like heroes to a man.
They didn't deserve to lose.
Pity they got Wayne Barnes as ref; he has a down on northern teams.

Some very strange decisions at the end and I'm sure it disrupted an otherwise stout defense. Ah well.
We had our best chances early on and failed to take them.
Superb game yet again.
Nail biter to the end - no shame in going out with a bang like that, and not bad for a team who statistically shouldn't have bothered coming to the tournament at all.
Yes, some questionable decisions by Mr Kerr, sorry I mean Barnes, but at least better than an irish referee with a French mother officiating at a France/Wales match :D
Off now to find the dog and tidy up the living room
This Irishman is a sucker for punishment - about to change from my green clothes to navy blue. After all, our bees love the flower of Scotland...
Argentina look a very good unit.
Get out of jail free card for the shackle draggers, yet again the ref plays a hand.
Argentina look a very good unit.
Get out of jail free card for the shackle draggers, yet again the ref plays a hand.

It's always the same though isn't it - the same old crowd think they have a God given right to be in the finals of the world cup (Kiwis and the shackle draggers to name the worst) and referees seem to bend over backwards to make sure they get there) I caught a snippet of Henson's post match interview yesterday - arrogance to put it mildly.
So the best 4 teams are left, all southern hemisphere.

They play quick rugby, exploit the space and most importantly make the ball do the work, it moves quicker and doesn't tire unlike the players.

Scotland and Wales had the chance to close out the match but couldn't.

No coincidence the last 4 all play each other.

McCaw deserves to lead the all blacks to defend their title as he has been huge in the game for the last 10 years.

Back to regular visits to Leicester tigers for my rugby fix after the world cup.
Oh dear, what was obvious to anyone who watched the many video replays of the incident, has now been confirmed.
Now wasn't a Fijian try disallowed when the ref happened to watch the replay as the kicker prepared to convert?
Why didn't Joubert do the same? Must have had half a dozen views of it before the penalty was kicked so there was no excuse.
Laidlaw was justified in his post match TMO statement, Scotland were robbed.

So now what? This has been a great competition but it's been reduced to shambles. The TMO has been interrupting play to go back and view incidents a few phases ago, yet he didn't get involved, I find it strangely suspicious.
It is conceivable that Australia could go on and win, that wouldn't go down too well.
My money's now riding on Argentina, go pumas!
Officiating favouring the favourites and appearing highly political, who would have thunk it!
The IRB need to sort it out pronto to retain credibility. Joubert was the ref in the final four years ago when the decisions were monstrously in favour of New Zealand which robbed France of a fighting chance of taking the trophy. The game would benefit from the refs, tmo's and linesmen being accountable for their performances
If Scotland would have won that game against the Aussies it would have been a travesty IMHO. A lot of rose tinted spec being used.
Aussies scored and made 5 tries (very nearly scored a sixth) whilst Scotland made 1, had a charge down (always some luck involved there) and an interception (again always some luck there too).
Aussies were mainly on top from what I saw - have beaten England, Wales, Figi whilst Scotland have not beaten anybody of note except Samoa- clearly nowhere near in the top 4 best teams in the tournament. Sorry but the better team went through.

Find it very sad that so much fuss about the ref. Its a slippery slope to the chaos we have in football. It turns out he was not allowed to look at the TMO so saw it in real time and gave an honest decision whilst those up in arms have had several viewing in slow motion to make their decision. You could go through all the decision that lead to point and argue about if it was the correct decision.
Gavin Hasting on the radio was disgrace in my opinion - sour grapes was always a Scottish speciality.

Have thoroughly enjoyed the rugby but really wonder about the shear power and size requirements in the modern game - injuries are bound to be more common and series and running flare less likely to be seen when the top teams play each other. Take the scrum - its all about the push/power - the ball is never put through the middle but fed so that the art of the hooker no longer really exist. Take the tackle - mostly about who generate the most power and the collision.
Scots leading at half time and at the end, so not so superior. Pressure led to the charge down and interception and the rest of the points went to a better kicker.

Joubert had the chance to look at the big screen and see what the rest of us saw and he could have acted, just as the ref did when he disallowed the Fijian try. Remember the touch of individual brilliance and then the slow motion replay showed he lost control on the line? Better no TMO at all than inconsistency, especially when that inconsistency will always favour the southern hemisphere.

With you totally on the other points, though Japan showed what is possible in the scrum. The whole game is a science now so only fair it should be played by robots. Dai Morris was less than fourteen stone, he'd be a small winger these days.
Professionalism and too much southern hemisphere influence has produced the modern game but teams like Japan and Argentina have given a glimpse of creativity. Wales used to be known for that but all they want to do now is run into people. I wouldn't want their joints in twenty years time.

The fact still remains, with all the fuss created, the tournament is just an anti climax.
The fact still remains, with all the fuss created, the tournament is just an anti climax.

I'm not so sure, I think it's been terrific. Japan's win and Georgia's spirited play being notable highlights, also the carrying of the rg's back and second rows and thrilling wingers, awesome!(rg's to pip nz to the title maybe/hopefully)
Low points- wife getting a series of late shifts on wc weekends:(
The fact still remains, with all the fuss created, the tournament is just an anti climax.

I'm not so sure, I think it's been terrific. (

It has thus far - maybe what Swarm is saying that the final two rounds are a bit of an anticlimax,,
Good to se the argies flying along - maybe with the Patagonia links and all we should make them honorary Northern Hemispherists :D
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Joubert had the chance to look at the big screen and see what the rest of us saw and he could have acted, just as the ref did when he disallowed the Fijian try.

Surely the Aussies were ahead at the end that's why they won.

Refs are allowed to use it for replay of try scoring situation but not penalty. It silly but that is the laws at present - bit will probably.

Certainly agree with the Welsh crash bang approach - what else has Jamie Robert done in every match. I think allot of it has to do with the poor weather conditions that our teams are used to playing in which makes the running game more difficult.

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