Rwc 2015

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Thought it was rather a good essay personally - Dallaglio - arrogant, cheating drug pushing public schoolboy may have been leaning (ever so slightly) towards petulancy maybe :D
Funnily my history lessons never once mentioned us inviting the sais and the Francs in.
As for Gareth Edwards - good rugby player no argument - but been a nob ever since - wouldn't ask him to wipe my a*se!! he'll never step into our Shane's shoes for all round nice guy (gives me a good price on chicken food as well!)
Yes I read it and it's all a bit embarrassing.
JBM, Norman mercenaries were fighting in Welsh infighting battles long before the Brycheiniog campaign and before that we regularly sought Saxon support in land squabbles and other power struggles.
Go back a little further and you'll find that you lot out west have got more than a fair dose of Irish in your blood, they settled as far inland as Llangorse.

What other way was I supposed to put it, mbc? Bish, bash, bosh, end of story? They crushed us. The Romans poured misery on far more people yet they are held in esteem. Isn't History a strange thing?
The fact that the players he named were part of an English team that regularly battered us makes it sound all the more like pathetic bleating. I bet they had a bloody good laugh when they read it
Yes I read it and it's all a bit embarrassing.

He does tend to wear his heart on his sleeve and and blurt out without, seemingly, much thought, but I find this refreshing rather than embarrassing and find it much more interesting than the usual bland platitudes or band waggoning so many current and retired sportsmen and women trawl out, playing it safe.

What other way was I supposed to put it, mbc?
Perhaps by not justifying imperial aggression and divide and conquer by painting us as squabbling and petty, therefore somehow deserving of subjugation, ethnic cleansing (in parts), military occupation and exploitation.
Lets just enjoy the game for what it is - sport - so often seems to be forgotten in our winning at all cost mentality.

My Dad would have loved this game - he was a proud Welshman but most of all love the game of rugby - certainly took it very seriously. I will be thinking of him as I watch my son play his first game at senior school tomorrow and during the game in the evening.
Well maybe after reading what he said, my emotions were riding a little high I'll admit.
What I was trying to point out was the way we didn't exactly help ourselves and this was a long time before Longshanks and the inevitable conquest due to the resources he had at his command, from France and England.
We were never united and when one 'faction' was having problems with the Saxons, their neighbours were far more likely to take advantage and raid their lands than come to their assistance. Hiring mercenaries, forming alliances (that usually lasted til the victory banquet) seeking English approval to justify claims, we were pretty instrumental in our own downfall. But as I said earlier, we couldn't hold out against Edward I, pity because he was too skint later to sort out Scotland. If only he'd gone north first :rolleyes:
I wasn't justifying those things, merely saying that this sort of thing, invasion, occupation, exploitation, has gone on throughout history, all over the World.

G T has never been the best at thinking first, nothing wrong with being a proud Welshman but to say you hate someone is awful, IMO.
But as I said earlier, we couldn't hold out against Edward I, pity because he was too skint later to sort out Scotland.

Not so sure about that, Lonshanks gave Mel Gibson a good thrashing.

Dan Biggar has now achieved Legend status.

Well it was his leg end that did the damage.

Five minutes before the end I was thinking, there's no shame in losing this match, so now I have no shame in gloating :D

Looks like the dragon got it's own back on St George - threw him over the back of a chariot and gave him a sound bodgering!
Serves Lancaster right for selecting Burgess and for not giving Cipriani a proper tryout.

Well played Wales. The trouble is, with so many injuries, they're apparently calling up Jenkinsbrynmair.

What a match and what a win!! Fantastic spirit.

Remember why everybody gets p!ssed off with fans. One even quite seriously said 'it a forgone conclusion...' . Such arrogance .... but looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

I have a great deal of respect for most of those England players who acted very gracefully at the end when they must have been completely devastated. Also respect the brave decision to go for the win that people immediately jump on when it does not work out.

Did not like all the questioning of so many of the refs decisions. Slippery slope to all out chaos we see in football.

Still waiting for my call up - boots are polished.
The trouble is, with so many injuries, they're apparently calling up Jenkinsbrynmair.


No, my boots stay on the peg - having Shane Williams as a neighbour for years, we decided that one rugby legend from the street was more than sufficient. :D
I feel for Liam Williams, he suffered a nasty kick to the head. I'm not suggesting it's deliberate, but it seems to happen to our backs every time we play the orcs that one of them gets booted on the head by a careless English forward trying to hack the ball, it was George North in the six nations(no sanction to the kicking player, was it Attwood that time?) I dont think Wood is a dirty player generally, but I hope he gets cited and banned for this just to discourage them from doing it again.
Serves Lancaster right for selecting Burgess and for not giving Cipriani a proper tryout.

Well played Wales. The trouble is, with so many injuries, they're apparently calling up Jenkinsbrynmair.


Spot on, Burgess was like a fish out of water and should have been pulled much earlier or not selected at all.

Mike Brown needs a little time in a dark room if you ask me, I don't think he could scare many people so what made him think he was going to do a number on Warburton? And then behaving like child when interviewed, bit of a plonker.
I feel for Liam Williams, he suffered a nasty kick to the head. I'm not suggesting it's deliberate, but it seems to happen to our backs every time we play the orcs that one of them gets booted on the head by a careless English forward trying to hack the ball, it was George North in the six nations(no sanction to the kicking player, was it Attwood that time?) I dont think Wood is a dirty player generally, but I hope he gets cited and banned for this just to discourage them from doing it again.

It sound like you are mbc...
It sound like you are mbc...

Deliberately kicking someone in the head with force would take a psycho.
Neglecting a duty of care when you're tired and pushing yourself to the limit in a contact sport is quite a different accusation.

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